SA360 DTS Migration

With the old version of the SA360 API being sunset in 2024, the original SA360 DTS connections that were set up in Bigquery will begin to fail. My question is will the Bigquery team be auto deploying the new SA360 DTS configurations? Similar to what was done summer 2023 for Google Adwords to Google Ads DTS. We're trying to be mindful if new connections will need to be created by our analytics teams or will the new connections be automatically created for us.

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Hi @Dean_Ketterer,

Welcome and thank you for reaching out to our community.

I understand your concern regarding SA360 migration and as you mentioned things would be easier if an automatic deployment will be made, unfortunately there is no official announcement yet regarding this and I believe it would be best for your team to prepare for both scenarios and have your analytics team explore creating new connections.

Based from BigQuery release notes last September, there are options that you can look into to help you with the migration.

The BigQuery Data Transfer Service now supports transfers from Search Ads 360 using the new Search Ads 360 reporting API. This feature is in preview. Customers with existing Search Ads 360 transfers should migrate their workflows to be compatible with the new Search Ads 360. The BigQuery Data Transfer Service will stop its support for the old Search Ads 360 reporting API on May 31st, 2024.

Hope this helps.

Hi @Dean_Ketterer I see your concern about the original SA360 DTS connections set up in BigQuery beginning to fail. It's essential to ensure that your data pipelines remain uninterrupted during this transition.

Some Tips

  1. Monitor Updates from the BigQuery Team:

    • Keep an eye on announcements from the BigQuery team regarding any automatic deployment of new SA360 DTS configurations. It's possible that they may provide a solution similar to the transition from Google Adwords to Google Ads DTS.
  2. Prepare for Manual Configuration:

    • If new connections are not automatically created, be ready to manually set up new SA360 DTS connections using the latest API. Ensure your analytics teams are aware of this potential requirement.

Alternative Solution

If you're looking for a streamlined solution that is already compatible with the latest SA360 API, you might consider using third-party connectors. For instance, platforms like <URL removed by staff> offer connectors for Search Ads 360 that are up-to-date with the latest API version. This could simplify the transition process by automating the data transfer to BigQuery and reducing the need for manual configuration.

By using such solutions, you can ensure that your data remains continuously updated and avoid potential disruptions caused by the API transition. Hope this helps and good luck!