Not able to access my google community Account

I am not able to access my Google cloud Community Account @Michelle  @Kinjal when I tried to log in using the google Sign-in Option. 

It did not direct me to my profile instead it asked me to create a user name and choose a user group.

Similar to when I first made my account. [ and I have to make a new account to contact you ]

Also, my Username for the old account is @iamnirajdotcom .

You can cross-check that both have the same Gmail from your side.

Please🙏 provide me with a solution.

I really appreciate any help you can provide. 

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Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello @NobleNiraj1,

I have sent you a PM regarding this matter.

Thank you,

Michelle | Community Manager 

Hi @Michelle ,

I would like to use my sign in option. So, please map my account to old one and delete the new one.

Thank you, 

Niraj || Community Member

Hello @Michelle 

I have sent you a PM regarding this matter.

Thank you,

Niraj || Community Member

Hello @Michelle 

I have sent you a PM regarding this matter.

Thank you,

Niraj || Community Member

Hello @NobleNiraj1,

Thank you for responding.  We will notify you once the ask has been completed.

Thank you,

Michelle | Community Manager