Google Workspace and Cloud Newbie

Audio visual tech (non-IT) here learning how to launch a website on Cloud and run a business using Workspace. So far, it's going... I think I have Workspace stable and functioning. I def need help - any tips on where to start on Cloud? Should I create a VM Instance?  I currently have a domain (Namecheap) and I need to configure DNS, MX to get gmail working again. Glad to be here and look forward to meeting everyone!


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Hi @InspoLand ,

The following links should help in choosing the right option as well as implementing the solution:

Google Cloud Web Hosting

Kind Regards,


I'm wondering the exact same thing.

Hi Will,

I hear you. I am a non-IT person trying to understand GCP too. There is a lot of great training (Google Cloud Skills Boost) to help you get started. One that you might want to check out is:  Essential Google Cloud Infrastructure: Foundation. It goes through VM (virtual machines) and how to set up instances, if I understand your question correctly.

With that, it is pretty overwhelming and I do wish you can chat with someone to get a perspective on how this all works based on what you need. If anyone can point to other resources, please do!