Frequent error "Post Flooding Detected"

It has happened more than once now that when I try to post a new message, I am getting an error saying "post flooding detected" and it prevents me from posting that message for 3600 seconds (60 minutes). 

Screenshot 2022-11-02 at 12.52.15@2x.jpg

I am not flooding. This happens even when I post the first message in days. So something is not right here. 

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Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello @cryptochrome,

In the screenshot you provided, it appears that there may have been some information missing on your post prior to getting the Post Flooding message.

There are a few variables that could cause the error.  One of the common trigger items are missing labels and/or missing subject.  Clicking post after each update to the content may cause the Post Flooding error. 

Our forum boards require labels, one way to verify if a label is required is the list of labels in the right rail of the New Message form just under Choose a Label.


Please let me know if you continue to experience issues.

Thank you,

Michelle | Community Manager