Hey there...

I am Abishek M. Residing in Chennai,Tamilnadu,India. Its almost Midnight 01 am of July 1st. I was wondering how technologies are around the globe and found out the Arcade Program by google. I was always fond of google products and was very eager to join them by any means. GCP was a great start for me, learning all these free content out here.
I like how things work around Cloud, how LLMs work, how websites are created.
I do know a little bit of Javascript,HTML,CSS and finding my way around ReactJS,MongoDB,ExpressJS,NodeJS.
I always loved how Operating Systems work in the backend.
I built my own PC for gaames and streaming content which i left back now.
I am with a desire to learn technologies and land in a job from which I can live better and feel better.

Currently I am pursuing my final year - B.E Degree in the field of Computer Science(general).
I have completed my Diploma in CSE, but trust me I just now came to know about how important it is to know DSA and that was one of the major reasons why I have been failing on my placements.

maybe feels like yapping, but im out of peace, clueless about what am I gonna do next in my life, have nearly three months to land a job.

And here I am hoping that i could get some fairly advice or maybe yapping to create bonds while the way i learn with free badges provided by google. 

It would be happy to have a converstion.❤😊