Help with deleting a project

I have created a project and was wondering how I delete it?

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Hey secops123 - Be sure to grab your ASM keys for this to work via the Advantage portal.

Check this out -

  1. Run the following curl command to get the project uuid.
    curl --location --request GET 'https:\
    //' \
    --header 'INTRIGUE_ACCESS_KEY: {{intrigue_access_key}}' \
    --header 'INTRIGUE_SECRET_KEY: {{intrigue_secret_key}}'
  2. Using this uuid, run the following command to delete the project.
    curl --location --request DELETE 'https:\
    v1/projects/{{uuid}}' \
    --header 'INTRIGUE_ACCESS_KEY: {{intrigue_access_key}}' \
    --header 'INTRIGUE_SECRET_KEY: {{intrigue_secret_key}}'

Hope this helps.