Help in automation process

 Hi friend,

       I am making a checklist app and I want to make a an automaion to create checklist ,then if my checklist is "Non Conforme"it should be sent  within an appview for approval (either for blcking the truck or cancel the checklist ) so I put "Bloqué" or "Annullée"in appview.A   s soon as the the truck is Bloqué , notifications shall be sent to both the user and the transporter.if the checklist is cancelled "Annullée" the notification should go only to user.Here is how my bot would look like:


How can I proceed in making my bot?

Best regards,


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If you are unable to create the combined bot with branch conditions, you could try creating 3 different bots.

Assuming your requirement is still the same, you could try the below

@eldderri wrote:

First,I want to create PDF checklist (already created ) in both cases where Etat checklist column is:"Conforme" and "Non Conforme".

I hope you do not need help with the above requirement.

@eldderri wrote:

Next, If Etat checklist="Non Conforme" ,send appview email which contains both "Bloqué" and "Annullée" as quich edit column named "Action" to a specific person.

You could create data change bot that fires when the  [Etat checklist] column changes to "Non Conforme". Please note that data change bot fire only when there is a change in certain column values.

The event condition for this data change bot could be  

AND( [_THISROW_BEFORE].[Etat checklist]<>[_THISROW_AFTER].[Etat checklist], [_THISROW_AFTER].[Etat checklist]="Non Conforme")

In this bot's step just send the appview with the "Bloqué" and "Annullée" as quick edit column named "Action" to a specific person. 

When this appview is sent to the user with the above quick edit column, the user can select either "Bloqué" or  "Annullée" 

@eldderri wrote:

Then, when The recipient chooses "Bloqué" ,the user receives appview with "Bloqué" selected and the Transporter receives just an email notification. And IF he chooses ,"Annullée ,only the user receives the appview with "Annullée" selected.

2. Create a 2nd data change bot for "Bloqué" with an event condition 

AND( [_THISROW_BEFORE].[Blocage Camion]<>[_THISROW_AFTER].[Blocage Camion], [_THISROW_AFTER].[Blocage Camion]="Bloqué")

In this bot, add 2 steps  A)  the appview  to the use with "Bloqué" selected B) A step that send email to the transporter

3. Create a 3rd data change bot for "Annullée" with an event condition 

AND( [_THISROW_BEFORE].[Blocage Camion]<>[_THISROW_AFTER].[Blocage Camion], [_THISROW_AFTER].[Blocage Camion]="Annullée")

In this bot only  add one step to send the Appview to the user with "Annullée" selected.

Hope this makes sense.


View solution in original post


It sounds that based on status of certain columns in the record , you would want to send email to certain recipients.

If so, you could insert an expression something like  below in the "To" field of the email step of the automation bot.




IFS([Status]="Annullée" , LIST(USEREMAIL()),

     [Status]= "Bloqué" , LIST([Transporter Email], USEREMAIL())


You could make the bot data change event to fire on the condition something like 



AND([_THISROW_BEFORE].Checklist column] <>[_THISROW_AFTER].Checklist column],

           [_THISROW_AFTER].Checklist column]="Non conform"



Please change column names and logic suitably.



To make my idea more clear:

  1. First,I want to create PDF checklist (already created ) in both cases where Etat checklist column is:"Conforme" and "Non Conforme".
  2. Next, If Etat checklist="Non Conforme" ,send appview email which contains both "Bloqué" and "Annullée" as quich edit column named "Action" to a specific person.
  3. Then, when The recipient chooses "Bloqué" ,the user receives appview with "Bloqué" selected and the Transporter receives just an email notification.And IF he chooses ,"Annullée ,only the user receives the appview with "Annullée" selected.

That is what I want.

Best regards,

You may want to clarify what you mean by "user receives" appview. Does it mean navigation to a specific view or receiving email?

@eldderri wrote:

Then, when The recipient chooses "Bloqué" ,the user receives appview with "Bloqué" selected and the Transporter receives just an email notification.And IF he chooses ,"Annullée ,only the user receives the appview with "Annullée" selected.


Earlier you had mentioned both (user and transporter) will receive notifications.

@eldderri wrote:

o I put "Bloqué" or "Annullée"in appview.A   s soon as the the truck is Bloqué , notifications shall be sent to both the user and the transporter.if the checklist is cancelled "Annullée" the notification should go only to user.Here is how my bot would look like:

Also it may help to share  the screenshot if possible of the relevant column table's, something like below. This will help to know if all the columns are in the same table or not and their types etc.







     "user receives" appview means when the recipient receives the appview in the email and select "Bloqué" ,the user receives appview via email with "Bloqué" selected.

 All columns are in the same table named "CheckList" as the screenshot shows here:



Thank you but still could you clarify what you mean by "app view?" Is the snapshot screenshot of the app's view or report template in say PDF?

Here is a screenshot of the appview which is used in the interactive email:



But it seems there is a bug in appsheet as the embedded app view functionality is not working in all apps since yesterday.

Thank you. Based on understanding so far, you could try below, you may want to try below. I think it is doable but with a bit longish bot structure.

Please create a bot something like below.


Condition for the data change bot event will be 


[_THISROW_AFTER].[Etat_Checklist]="Non Conforme"


This will ensure that when the column [Etat_Checklist] changes to "Non Conforme" from some other value, the bot will fire.

For the following step , please have the condition of [Status]=" Bloqué"

It is a "Wait for a condition" step. This should execute when the user selects the [Status]=" Bloqué" in appview.


Both the "Send App View to User" steps can have the following configuration in both the steps


"Send Email to transporter"  step can be as follows


Finally the 'Status "Annulee" selected step can eb as follows.


Hope this helps.

Since the bot works on a "wait" state logic , you may want to check how it works in a multi user environment.  Or else you may need to possibly create 2 /3 bots in multi user environment.





I made it like that:




But only the first email is sent and when I select Bloqué nothing happen

Hi ,

Thank you for the update. It works for me in a similar test setup. I think you have got the idea now. The principle is bifurcating the bot  flow based on whether  "Bloqué " or "Annulee" is selected.

You may want to do some more debugging.

I have made another update to make it work ,so I added a wait process before status like that:


What I get now is when Bloqué is selected the two email messages are working ,but when Annullée is selected the email is not sent to the user.

Can you help me figure out the problem?




Please share your event condition.

Here is:



If you are unable to create the combined bot with branch conditions, you could try creating 3 different bots.

Assuming your requirement is still the same, you could try the below

@eldderri wrote:

First,I want to create PDF checklist (already created ) in both cases where Etat checklist column is:"Conforme" and "Non Conforme".

I hope you do not need help with the above requirement.

@eldderri wrote:

Next, If Etat checklist="Non Conforme" ,send appview email which contains both "Bloqué" and "Annullée" as quich edit column named "Action" to a specific person.

You could create data change bot that fires when the  [Etat checklist] column changes to "Non Conforme". Please note that data change bot fire only when there is a change in certain column values.

The event condition for this data change bot could be  

AND( [_THISROW_BEFORE].[Etat checklist]<>[_THISROW_AFTER].[Etat checklist], [_THISROW_AFTER].[Etat checklist]="Non Conforme")

In this bot's step just send the appview with the "Bloqué" and "Annullée" as quick edit column named "Action" to a specific person. 

When this appview is sent to the user with the above quick edit column, the user can select either "Bloqué" or  "Annullée" 

@eldderri wrote:

Then, when The recipient chooses "Bloqué" ,the user receives appview with "Bloqué" selected and the Transporter receives just an email notification. And IF he chooses ,"Annullée ,only the user receives the appview with "Annullée" selected.

2. Create a 2nd data change bot for "Bloqué" with an event condition 

AND( [_THISROW_BEFORE].[Blocage Camion]<>[_THISROW_AFTER].[Blocage Camion], [_THISROW_AFTER].[Blocage Camion]="Bloqué")

In this bot, add 2 steps  A)  the appview  to the use with "Bloqué" selected B) A step that send email to the transporter

3. Create a 3rd data change bot for "Annullée" with an event condition 

AND( [_THISROW_BEFORE].[Blocage Camion]<>[_THISROW_AFTER].[Blocage Camion], [_THISROW_AFTER].[Blocage Camion]="Annullée")

In this bot only  add one step to send the Appview to the user with "Annullée" selected.

Hope this makes sense.



When I applied the above steps it worked , but I want to attach PDF file within the appview at the second step when Etat checklist is "Bloque".it appears in the preview like that:



But when appview sent to the recipient ,it displays like that:


How to insert the file url to enable the recipient to open the file before Blcking the truck or cancelling the checklist?


File type column  is not supported in the embedded app view. Please refer the below help article on limitations of the embedded app view.


Send embedded app view email from an automation - AppSheet Help


Is there a work around to create a virtual column to display that file in app view?

I believe not.

I have already asked this question in this forum : 

and they told me it is possible .How I do not know!

Please try with suggestions in that thread. 

Thank you so much for your help.I will follow the other thread to figure out the way of displaying that file.

Best regards,

You are welcome.

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