Server Error 502

I'm getting an html page with the following text on access the proxy endpoint:

"Error: Server Error
The server encountered a temporary error and could not complete your request.
Please try again in 30 seconds."

I tried restarting the APIGEE VM instance in google cloud platform but encountered this issue:

Failed to update instance group apigee-proxy-australia-southeast1: Operation type [patch] failed with message The resource "projects/debian-cloud/global/images/family/debian-10" was not found

3 3 788

To fix that, you need to upgrade the new template using debian12.

1. Go to and select the apigee template, then click on 'create similar'

2. In your lb backends, select the instance group, click "update VMs" and then choose the new image template

Everything should be back to normal once the VMs are up

Hey @madhankumar_ms! Thanks for your question! If the provided answer worked, please mark it as solved. We appreciate your engagement.

Thanks for contributing to the community @vmartucci!

Thanks, its working fine now.