I'm leaving Google

Hi all,

Just as the subject line says.

I won't go into a long retrospective. Brian Sabino and I evolved some prior efforts into AppSheet in early 2014, Phil Garrett joined in mid-2014, we launched Oct 2014, and then it grew gradually --- community, product features, team -- until Google acquired us just before the pandemic exactly three years ago. Through this period, I had a simple perspective --- our team exists only because our customers choose to use our product. Those customers make a leap of faith to spend their time and energy on an early-stage product from an unknown startup company. We had no right to their faith. So we should respect it humbly and do everything to deserve it. If we cannot live up to their expectations, at least it should not be for lack of trying our best. 

So that's what we tried to do. Over the years, I have exchanged thousands of messages in the community forum, in support threads, via email, and even via SMS with so many of you. Anything that I ever learned about this product and this business happened through those interactions. Any confidence I ever had that we could create something useful came from the encouragement we received from you. 

At acquisition, we had 45 employees, 1 product, a small amount of revenue, and our own unique value system and culture. Google has 180,000 employees, many products that reach billions of users, and a long and proud engineering and product culture. The goal of the acquisition was to ensure a stable long-term path for the product, and the ability to reach and impact customers around the world. So it was critical that AppSheet integrate successfully into Google. This applied to the product, the team, the management, the code, the engineering process, the business model, product support, and everything else. As some of the old-timers in this community observed, this scale of change is neither easy nor seamless. A lot of things have changed, some for the better (product stability, for example) and some not for the better (product velocity, for example). 

For me, the last three years have been a gradual transition from hands-on intense engagement at the start to hands-off observer and occasional advisor over the last year. To be completely honest, I am not well-suited to being an observer. I care deeply and have strong opinions about many things, many people, and many principles related to AppSheet. Yet, a changing of the guard is essential for the long-term stability and health of a product. I have worked closely with most of the people on the current AppSheet team. They bring a combination of passion and professionalism to their work, challenging and complex though it may be at times. It is their product now as much as it has been mine, and they are its shepherds going forward.

I hope to start something else and go through the startup journey again. More details down the road when I have some clarity. I'll continue to watch with pride as all of you do amazing things with AppSheet. If there is any way I can help you, please do not hesitate to let me know. If any more people write books about AppSheet, I'll be the first to pre-order. If any more people build non-profits or businesses using AppSheet, I'll feel proud to have played a small part. You are on the frontlines changing the world, and it was my privilege to witness that over the last decade.

And If any of you is ever visiting Seattle, please do let me know and let's meet in person.

87 41 4,576

😢 I wouldn't say I didn't saw this comming sooner than later. I didn't had the pleasure to met you before Google took over but I hope I'll have it in the future.

We all will love to hear about you in the short term and I'm sure we will be interested in your future adventures.

Let's see what happens from now on.

Thanks for the vision you and your partners had for this awesome product

Hi Praveen,

Your and Brian Sabino's brainchild, AppSheet has enabled many organizations of all sizes worldwide to run their business more efficiently by moving from spreadsheet to AppSheet and only desktop or paper based office to mobile and desktop office. It has given new professional opportunities to many people like me.  AppSheet's impact has been truly remarkable. 

Thank you and your team very much for creating a great product. Best wishes for your next startup. We are sure, your next endeavor will be equally exciting and impacting like AppSheet

Thank you for everything sir!!!

Thank you Praveen!

AppSheet is an amazing tool not just for business but also as a teaching aid for beginner developers. One day you're creating a simple data collection form and eventually, perhaps without even realizing it, you end up knowing a ton about user experience, change management, relational database design, and how to work within the constraints of a tool..

AppSheet has played a critical role in my career development, and I've seen it play a similar role for many more. Really interested to know whats next for you, I'll be watching closely. 🙂

Thank you for all of your efforts! If it weren't for you and AppSheet, I wouldn't have been able to make the massive leap from my previous career to one as a developer! Good luck in your future efforts!

Thank you Praveen for creating this innovative app development platform and for bringing it to maturity. We will miss the blog posts where you expressed your vision with exceptional insight. All the best for your future projects.

A big thank you from me too! I'm sorry to hear that you a leaving but I can certainly understand why.  Best of luck with your coming endeavors!!

P.S.  I'm not a big fan of Facebook, but one thing it has that I wish this forum had is a "sad button."  I don't feel right about "liking" a post about your leaving but I would definitely use the sad button if it were available.

dammit, people are happy to see me go 😊

NOT . . . ! 😉  They're just using the "like" button to thank you. 

Thank you for everything, Praveen! This community exist because of the community centered culture you established back in 2014!

@Roderick wrote:

you established back in 2014

And Google is destroying since 2022...

So much to say here, it's difficult to put into words...

Praveen: you and everyone in that starting team had such a significant impact on my life, and for thousands of others around the world, there's very little that adequately expresses the thanks and gratitude I feel towards you all.

thank-you-memes-05 ❤️

Thanks Matt. I remember when you quit your job to become a fulltime AppSheet builder. You were the first. Was it 2016 or maybe early 2017? A bunch of us in the team looked at each other and thought --- oh, crap, now we'd better be serious about this 😊

And if you still have the old AppSheet help videos you built, those were the best. Style and substance all in one package!

2016 was the year, right at the beginning of January actually - nice and easy to remember!  (^_^) I remember that conversation with Santiago over the phone one night.  Good times.


Thank you for creating a great product.  When I found AppSheet I was truly amazed with this tool and I never looked back.  It’s great to see how much it has grown.  If you find yourself bored and want to dive into something new, please let me know.  I have an idea I need someone like to make it come to life.

Let me know.

Thank you.

Conoci Appsheet por un video de Youtube "Build Mobile Apps with Google Sheets and AppSheet" del 2015 , el titulo me llamo la atencion. yo trabajaba con hojas de calculo en mi puesto de supervisor en una Empresa de Operaciones de Exportacion e Importacion entre Mexico y Estados Unidos , ya habia intentado "Automatizar algunas operaciones que estaban a mi cargo con hojas de calculo compartidas a varios usuarios, pero era complicado darle acceso a tanta gente a tu base de datos, constantemente tenia que estar revisando versiones de la hoja por cambios incorrectos de los mismos usuarios.  Cuando comence a entender como funcionaba Appsheet supe que tenia la herramienta perfecta, me pase fines de semana entendiendo lo basico y no tan basico para poder crear una aplicacion que controlara las entradas y salidas de los Camiones que recibimos a diario, al final lo logre, pude hacer que me permitieran adquirir equipo para el personal de recibo (Tablet, Scaner) con los que iban a alimentar esta Bitacora, funcion! en poco tiempo mi aplicacion la utilizaban para generar reportes semanales, graficas con horas de llegada, logre que desde donde salen los Camiones de Mexico a USA utilizaran tambien la aplicacion, para agregar el momento de salida desde Mexico hasta nosotros asi como otros datos.  Hoy esa aplicacion controla tambien el contenido de cada camion, cuando llega con nostros, hacemos un escaneo de los productos que vienen en cada camion y les damos un seguimiento hasta que son entregados a el Carrier que lo llevara a su destino final.   Appsheet honestamente cambio mi vida laboral, hoy estoy dedicado completamente  en desarrollar y eficientizar  procesos en la compañia donde trabajo desde hace 20 años desde que sali de la Carrera( que no es programacion) , (tengo 42 años). He Recibido bonos de productividad, Aumentos de Sueldo,   reconocimientos e inclusive nuestros clientes principales que utilizan sistemas como SAP/ J.D. Edwards de Oracle se han soprendido de las aplicaciones que hemos creado para ellos.  No era mi intencion extenderme demasiado ni hablar tanto de mi,  lo que quiero decir es que todo esto lo he podido hacer por esta grandiosa herramienta que tu  creaste y que se que como a mi, a otras personas alrededor del mundo les ha servido para crear cosas que sin saber de programacion como es mi caso queriamos crear y no podiamos. Mi idioma principal es el Español y aun que hablo algo de ingles quise escribir esto en mi propio idioma para poder expresar todo lo que Appsheet significa. Al dia de hoy 8 años despues de haber conocido esta herramienta, creo que me faltan tantas cosas por entender y aprender de Appsheet, pero con las pocas que he aprendido me siento con la suficiente seguridad de aceptar retos que se que podre lograr superar.  Muchas gracias y Suerte con tus proximos proyectos. 

Gracias @daniel_sanchez for sharing your AppSheet story. I really appreciate it. I am always amazed by people like you who apply innovative ideas to improve the way their teams work.

Thanks. Good look sir

I was not there at the start and I am not a fulltime developer, but I wanted to say thank you from all of us out here who have just solved a simple problem or fulfilled a simple need by using Appsheet. Sometimes a spreadsheet just does not do it. I came across appsheet several years back when looking to find a new asset database for a community group I run and over those years I have re-written my app and perhaps 4 or 5 others that I use to manage my life multiple times as I learn more. That will always be all that I use Appsheet for but hopefully I have spread the word also. 

A big thank you, Praveen; especially with the richer mechanisms added over the years, and for the community support you've provided! I was introduced to AppSheet by a friend EB and we have since deployed and maintained transformational solutions in the non-profit and healthcare space. Good to know you will remain available to support people who continue to enable data-centric solutions with AppSheet. 

Many thanks @PraveenSeshadri

I've been using appsheets since 2015. We haven't had too many conversations over the years but everytime we have ever chatted you were kind, helpful, and wanting the best for me and my company. While appsheets will go on and become a different product over the years, I and many others won't forget the investment you made in our lives . 

Thanks for making a great product and more so, caring and valuing the people using it. 

Great Product you have made. And I am sure, I owe my job to the Appsheet Team. I was on the verge of changing my company because I lacked the skills they were looking for in tech department, as I was working in the Marketing dept. But, out of the blue, I don't know how I stumbled over AppSheet and every thing changed ever since. Thank you for the bottom of my heart. 

Thanks, @pravse,


One of my many regrets in life is not discovering AppSheet sooner. What an incredible product you have created!

Despite only using AppSheet for three months, I am confident that it will play a crucial role in my career. Thank you for everything I will owe you.

@pravse there's too much going on post-covid that I had been seriously thinking you couldn't be content to simply watch from the sidelines. You have made a big impact with creating and growing AppSheet and I am sure you will do no less with your next venture. 

All the best.

So two very important people are leaving Appsheet.

@pravse is a major loss.
A good product does not become a good product with conventional "mega-business" strategies.
It starts with heart, passion, and an intimate relationship with your target audience and customers to the point where the product developer intimately understands their needs, followed by a genuine passion to make a difference! 

Making money from these products is the natural end result, not the reason to invest!
This is what I call one of the primary principles or "physics" of life.
There is no long-term way to circumvent this principle.

Sure you can just end up "buying people's passion products" if you are big enough and the product founder decides selling is better.
However "purchased products" never seem to have as long-term impact vs products that were founded and continually run on heart, passion, and intimate customer understanding.
Focus on money = Loss of money....we might not realise this in the short term, but this key "phyics" principle of life is always true in the long term.

A good example of this is to just compare Google App Maker vs Appsheet history.
Conventional wisdom suggests that App Maker should of succeeded, and yet Appsheet "somehow" was the better product.🤔

I am also concerned that @Steve is taking a step back Steve Leaving Google, but not the community 
I have written a previous post about how the Appsheet platform is actually not the primary product.
The community is. 
I would of loved to be able to post a link to this article, but unfortunity I can not find it easily enough, as the design of this platform does not seem to reflect that the primary product is actually the community and the tool used to strength it relationship is quite lacking.
i.e. Listing a users post by the Post Subject alone and not including the actual users text of the post is a mistery.
Solving the small things 1st sometimes makes a big difference.
It takes a lot of energy to not get frustrated using this platform. I can't remember struggling as much with the previous platform.

I digress...as usual! 😉

@pravse it has been a pleasure.
All the best on starting from scratch again.😏
Some advice....maybe reconsider selling the next good project to the highest bidder.
Starting the right way is great...continuing the right way is the real challenge!

Google, I pray there are enough people with enough passion and good motives, that are willing to risk leading against the status quo of "business as usual".

Good luck Appsheet. It is a currently a good platform, let hope it is able to become a great platform!

¡Gracias Praveen! desde Mexico.

@pravse - I will def miss you and all you gave to Appsheets, me and my career.  I can't thank you enough nor your team.  When i first heard of Google buying Appsheets - I was worried.  I guess I knew this day was coming.  I use the platform everyday as my new career is 100% app building.  I understand the ups and downs that go along with business and I also understand how finding and keeping a great team is hard.  I use your hard work everyday and that has provided me and my family with a good living.  I cannot thank you enough and I wish you all the best.  Thanks for Appsheets and thank everyone on your team as well.

🙏Thank you @Tiger1 

@pravse Thanks! Sad to see you go. Appsheet impacted my life for sure. Thanks again.

Well, coming from a completely Non-Tech background, to be able to create some amazing apps for myself, I'd say, this was just mind blowing for me. 

All the best for your future Man!


Hi all, 

A few of us started something new. It's called Thunk.AI and is an AI Agent-driven project system.
A preview version is ready and we're seeking some design partners.

Would love for a few of you to give it a try and give us some feedback?

Please go to https://preview.thunk.ai 


I started my journey with you (with Appsheet) at the end of 2020. I also realized that I set off too late. Even though I am far away on this new journey, I will be right next to you. How do we reach Thunk.AI to report back on our tests? I kindly request you to inform.Don't worry too much about Google, after all, when things reach a mature level, Google will buy this too. 🙂

Yes, those who seek will find their cure. https://community.thunk.ai/


Just added a couple of things you folks might find interesting:

  1) a Google Sheets add-on (this is live). This makes it easy to start from a sheet and get to a working AI project https://gsuite.google.com/marketplace/app/foo/395146260095
  2) The ability to hook Thunk.AI intelligent processes into the workflow stage of AppSheet apps using webhooks (this will be available tomorrow)

The second one in particular is an easy way to extend any existing app investment with AI logic. Many use cases for this. We're actively looking to engage deeply with the AppSheet community, so please reach out if you have use cases or scenarios you'd like to discuss or explore.

Here's a short description with a couple of videos showing how to add AI-powered decision processes to existing AppSheet apps. 

Hi Praveen, signing in with Google doesn't work for me - it goes back to the sign in with Google screen and the url shows app.thunk.ai

Hi Jayaram, great to hear from you!

I'm guessing maybe you didn't check the box that asks for Google Drive permissions? We need limited Google Drive permissions in order to work

Thank you @pravse .

We will definitely remember and respect your dedication.
