Google Forms Integration is Now Generally Available!

Hello AppSheet Community,

We are thrilled to announce that AppSheet's integration with Google Forms is now generally available (GA)! This powerful integration allows you to seamlessly connect your Google Forms with AppSheet, unlocking a world of possibilities for automating workflows and streamlining data collection.

Build AppSheet automations using Google Forms.gif

Why It Matters

Google Forms is a popular tool for gathering information, but its capabilities are limited when it comes to complex workflows and automations. While some members be familiar with AppSheet’s older add-on to collect data using Google Forms,  this new integration offers built-in support for Forms as a full AppSheet data source and automation trigger.

AppSheet's integration with Google Forms makes it possible to:

  • Trigger AppSheet automations directly from Google Forms submissions. This means you can automatically send notifications, update data in other systems, or even kick off entire workflows based on form responses.
  • Use Google Forms as a data source for your AppSheet apps. This allows you to easily collect data from forms and use it to power your custom applications.
  • Create apps quicker than ever. AppSheet creators can use a Google Form as the front end of their application, allowing them to spin up simple data collection apps in minutes.

What’s new

Thanks to your feedback on our earlier post, we’ve added support for Google Forms file upload questions. File upload questions map to Image, Video or File column types in AppSheet based on the Google Forms file type restrictions. Now that this integration is generally available it’s ready and waiting for your production workloads!

How to get started

Follow these steps to get started using the Google Forms integration:

  1. Create a new app or open an existing one in AppSheet.
  2. Add a Google Forms data source.
  3. Configure a bot or automation to trigger on form submissions.
  4. Start automating your workflows!

For detailed instructions and additional information, please refer to our help center article: Build an automation using Google Forms. You can also use a Google Form as the “front end” of your application - see Create an app using Google Forms to learn more.

Additional resources

We encourage you to share your feedback and experiences with us in the comments below. Your input is invaluable as we continue to enhance and improve this integration.

With gratitude,

The AppSheet Workspace Team

10 13 3,992

Many thanks for the file upload question type being supported!

Hi @Rachelgmoore 

This is a great Update.🤩

Just specify the form as the data source and we can access the uploaded file from our AppSheet application

On the other hand, Form supports multiple file uploads, but when specified as a data source in AppSheet, it appears that only the first one can be referenced.

Sheet exported from Form


Form data source on AppSheet


I would prefer to have this disclosed as one of the limitations in the help or other documentation.


You are correct about the 1 file limitation. The existing AppSheet file column types only support a single file. This is documented in Create an app using Google Forms.

This note could be added elsewhere in the documentation if there is a place you were looking for this information and didn't find it.



Google forms has a native functionality where the user can upload multiple files into a single input field, however, AppSheet only recognize the single (first) file alone, which would cause the issue and reduce the flexibility to use this functionality.  This "gab" must be adjusted by improving the functionality I would recomend.

When we use the Google Sheet/Forms add-on (AppSheet event) , the files loaded to the single fields would be returned as "array (list) of URL" to reach out to the files.  Can you consider to do the same with this new function?   Once we set Google form to allow only one file per File input field, it is fine and stay as we see now. However, the users set the Forms settings to allow the multiple files to single file field, then the table/column generated from the Form turns to be "Enulist" column instead of "File" type column, somthing like 

DocId=xxxx , DocId=yyyy, DocId=zzzz

Once we get those list of id path, then we can easily manipulate the list onto the standalized data using AppSheet Loop Action technique.

Then we can stay with the Google Forms full functionality to allow user to upload the multiple files into the single field.

The new AppSheet/Google Form integration is posting new problems to us, i.e. the table is READ-ONLY. For some use cases it would be fine, but most of our use cases, the table must be editable. So our current workaround is to create new BOT and physical table.  Once the new form is submitted, the bot is triggered and clone form data to other table by using Add new row to another table action. Then we keep using this cloned data for data manipulation and further app functionalties.   

If we could the list (array) of the file path as I suggested, then we can chain Automation (Bot) to split the path to another table to store file path per row for that table.

This is what End users need. It is not a good idea to  limit and placed a constrain to ask the user "you can upload only single file per field"




Hi @markcollins 

Thank you. I have confirmed that it is mentioned in the English help page.
I was looking at the Japanese help.

Also, as @Koichi_Tsuji -san pointed out, it would be great if you could support multiple file uploads.

End users often request the ability to upload multiple files via drag-and-drop.
A spreadsheet linked to Form can make this happen, but it would be better to be able to do that with the native Form data source.


I'm sure your team will be working on this from now on, but regarding the Google Forms integration, the Japanese page does not yet contain a message that multiple file uploads are not supported.

My hope is that this will be fixed as soon as possible.

Hi @Rachelgmoore @markcollins 

Multiple file uploads would allow us to develop such an application.


This is a demo application that we are implementing using Sheets linked from traditional Forms.



If we were to add support for reading multiple uploaded files from the form response, would the preference be for Drive URLs as they are exported to Sheets, or for a format with a list of file IDs like @Koichi_Tsuji referenced above?

DocId=xxxx , DocId=yyyy, DocId=zzzz

By default, file upload questions will still be converted as one of the file column types (File, Image Video), but column type can be changed to Text which would allow us to store the list as a string without breaking the AppSheet file handling.

Thanks for the reply.🤗

If multiple file uploads are to be added, I would prefer if the DocId can be retrieved in the Enumlist.

> DocId=xxxx , DocId=yyyy, DocId=zzzz

The fact that we can now specify Forms as the data source and get it by DocId was a welcome update for us.
We can now develop smart applications.

Yes I follow what Takuya confirmed earlier. I also prefer DocId=xxxx , DocId=yyyy, DocId=zzzz style instead of list of full URLs.

I hope you can make this happen!



Hi @markcollins 

After testing new Google Forms integration thoroughly, we came up with one important suggestion for your team.  Once we select the Google Forms as Automation Event trigger, firstly we assumed it is just being triggered by "Submit New forms" type event. In other words, the BOT is triggered as if "Add new row" event in terms of data change event.  However, it was not.  

Google Forms has option to let the responder to edit his/her response.  We tested with our app, where the responder edit the form originally submitted and saved the form. Eventually the BOT triggered to initiate the process.  This tells the Form as Event is triggered by "Add" Or "Update" interpreted as Data Change Event.

Under the current UX, the users do not have option to customize to 1) Trigger bot only when new form is submitted 2) Trigger bot only when existing form was edited 3) Both of 1) and 2)

Likewise APP as event, we should have option to select either from 1) On Submit New Form 2) On Edit existing Form.  

This is pretty much important point for everyone and every AppSheet creators.

Thank you.


I think this is a very important point.

I would like to consider it in one use case.

  1. I, the App Creator, was asked by the Forms creator to create an app with Forms as the data source.
  2. I set up an Automation that would only run on the first response if there was a response in Forms.
  3. However, the Forms creator decided to turn on the option to edit responses.

At this time, App Creator need to add a Condition expression that understands that I am changing the Automation settings and also determines if it is a new record.

This would be a challenging change for the citizen developer.

As @Koichi_Tsuji pointed out, it would be very easy to set up if there was an option to specify Update.

I just tried this today, and unfortunately, Bots are not being triggered for new Form Responses.
No logs registering in the Bot's monitor either.   I tried executing the bot manually using the "test" function, and it works.  But by submitting a new Google Form Response, the bots do not catch it.

I reported this to support with Case # 2-4499000036743.

I was told that this will be escalated to the specialists.   
I'm assuming this is from your team, @Rachelgmoore ?

I've seen Forms submissions not triggering before because your Google Workspace Admin has turned on AppSheet Core Security. Could this explain your situation?