unknown error; cant share my report

Hey there!

I have the problem that i cant share my looker studio pro dashboard with people. 
Here is the deal:
1. I made a Google Workspace Account
2. I bought the looker studio pro subscription
3. I am not able to make a new report with the new account, only with my old (not pro version one) BUT
I am able to move a created report to my looker pro.
4. When the owner of the sheet is the owner of the workspace account, i am able to use the PRO features but then the big problem starts:
5. i cant share my report. not with selected persons. neather with the option to share the link in public. 
unknown error. please try again later. 

Done it several times, recreated several workspaces, even bought another pro subscription for a new projekt. nothing helps. 

i would be very thankful for your help!

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Go to GCP and ensure the property is your Looker property. Click on Org Policies. 

Then expand the selection from 50 to 200 so it will show everything. Ctrl-F (find on page) the following. 

Domain Restricted Contacts 

Domain Restricted Sharing

You essentially have to override them and tell the system policies to allow sharing (all) for both. 

This fixed it for me, I was trying to find an answer for over a month. 

I'm hoping this helps you as I can't tell you how frustrating it was for me. 

Good luck. 


Did the same thing.. this is what worked for me. 

1) Go to your Looker Project in GCP.
2) Go to Org Policies on the left
3) Scroll to the bottom, select 200 rows per page
4) Search the following without quotes "domain"
  a) You'll see 2 pop up
  b) domain restricted contacts & domain restricted sharing
5) Click on the first one, edit the policy to allow all sharing. 
6) Save it. 
7) Go to the second one, do the same thing
😎 Save it. 


You should be good to do what you want with whatever. Hope this helps you, I tried for MONTHS to figure this out. This fixed it. 

Domain Restricted Contacts

Domain Restricted Sharing

Hope this helps you.