Unable to open my LookML file of Looker project

I created a Looker dashboard with data from my google big query table. However, I need to create some measures similar to PowerBI and I came to know that i can create measures in LookML. However, I'm not able to access LookML. I'm using My personal Gmail ID. Is LookML not available for personal gmail id users? do i need to buy any license? if yes, anybody can help me with what's the average pricing?

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Hey there 🙂

I believe you are confusing the Looker and Looker Studio, Lookml is only available within Looker Original or Looker Core, which offers it as the base for the semantic layer.

If you are in Looker and cannot see the Develop tab, I suggest you to contact the admin and ask them to give you developer rights. 

Hi there, I believe that the dashboard that you managed to create is in Looker Studio (link to documentation here). Looker Studio is the perfect visualisation tool to start your data exploration. It is the Google-easy self-service and dashboard design. Looker is for governance and universal semantic layer to drive consistent metrics definition across your organisation.

You can find comparison of between these two tools in this page and more specifically contact link for pricing questions here

Hope this answers your question