Look-linked tiles

Hi everyone,

Does anyone have a workaround for the Look-linked tiles behaviour that the Look and the dashboard must be in the same folder in order to be linked to the dashboard? 

Also this is for Looker folks why Looks cant be linked to dashboards without restriction throughout whole platform, why just in one same folder?

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Hi there! 

So the reason a Look linked to a dashboard cannot be saved in a different folder than the dashboard itself is because of folder permissions. If someone had access to the folder containing the dashboard but not the folder that contained the linked Look, the dashboard would appear broken. 

A workaround is to copy the Look into the folder with the dashboard! 

Hi Amanda,

Thank you for the explanation, but copying Looks in different folders creates duplicates throughout the platform which clutter the content/folders and we are loosing the control that we would have from just one Look...