Dashboard ID Backup

Hello everyone!
Is there a way to backup dashboards using Git while keeping the dashboard ID? That is, not just save the dashboard code, since when generating a .dashboard file it becomes an independent code. We want to keep the ID to keep the dashboards links.

I don't know if that is possible, or if we can backup from famework

Thank you very much for your time!

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Hello! Are you already using the API to get the LookML for each dashboard (call here) in the backup process or using the UI option (docs here) to copy dashboard LookML? The former takes the dashboard ID as an argument, so it seems like it would be relatively straightforward to create a script that inserts a comment in the dashboard.lkml file incorporating the dashboard ID/link.

You might also consider leveraging Looker open source tool Gazer, which has the ability to force dashboard IDs in order to keep IDs consistent during the content backup process.