Community Account Support

In this support article, we cover the following topics:

Changing jobs and/or email addresses

If you change jobs and/or have a new email address,  you can contact us, and we will assist you with getting your new email address linked to your existing community account. Please complete this form and a member of the Google Cloud Community team will be in touch with next steps within 2-3 business days.

Merging community accounts

There is no option for merging community accounts. It's OK to have multiple community accounts, but we recommend having and using just one account. This is limited because of the complexity to manage these changes. More importantly, community users have difficulty knowing who they have interacted with, or who may have helped them in the past. Our community moderators come to know the community members by name and if the community usernames are changing, they have to review content in more depth and detail.

Changing your community username

When choosing a username in the community, it's important to know that the username you choose will be visible to the public. We suggest using your first name and last name initial, following this format: firstname_lastinitial (e.g. Andrew_B for Andrew Biernat). 

We also recommend consistently using the same username, so all community members can easily recognize each other - thereby leading to a greater sense of community and belonging.

However, we understand that there can be certain reasons in which it's important to change your username, such as changes to your name or company, or privacy regarding your real name. To change your community username, please complete this form and a member of the Google Cloud Community team will be in touch with next steps within 2-3 business days.

Caught in a loop

If you are returned to the community homepage when trying to log in to your community account, please try clearing your cache.  Be sure that you are not trying to log in to the old Cloud Connect Community URL.  If this does not resolve your issue, please reach out to and we will contact you.

I still need help

If you still need support for your Google Cloud Community account, or have a question that is not covered here, please ask for assistance in our Community Feedback area. Please provide as much detail as possible (i.e. screenshots). This will help us solve your problem more quickly.

Version history
Last update:
‎04-06-2022 10:23 AM
Updated by: