How does Agent Builder Datastore work?

When playing around with the Agent Builder, I reached the point of creating a DataStore.  What happens under the hood? Does the DataStore used here end up being a Vector Storage of some kind? 

And when one adds a website, does the whole website get chunked and saved, or "just" the visible content? 

And does the storage behave more like a vector storage, or is it more a text-optimized document store? 


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Hi @Aftermath5428,

Welcome to Google Cloud Community!

Just to give an overview, Data stores act as a central repository for your training data. It provides a centralized location for storing, managing, and preparing conversational data, enabling you to build agents that effectively understand and respond to user requests.

When you create a data store or associate a data store to an app, the location depends on how the data is imported. For BigQuery or Google Cloud Storage (GCS) structured data import, this will be stored in your project's GCS bucket for staging storage.

In addition, when you specify a site, all data will be indexed if you're using * as a wildcard for a pattern. Aside from wildcard, you can use individual pages (parts of your site) from your domain. An example of individual page is For more information, you may check our documentation.

Hope this helps.

I know that but the documentation is not really saying much about the under the hood work which my question was about.