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In April 2005 the company was acquired by Google, and the Urchin product became “Urchin from Google,” then later simply Google Analytics. As the 10th ...
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Google raised eyebrows again with its latest acquisition, the purchase of a privately held software firm that specializes in Web analytics.
Mar 29, 2005 · If Google owns Urchin and Urchin is a vital tool in tracking your success on both the organic and paid search fronts, then Google has access to ...
Mar 29, 2005 · It was announced this morning that Google would buy Urchin, a web analytics company. Google says they will be making it available to their ...
Google Inc. has agreed to acquire developer Urchin Software Corp. Thousands of Internet sites use products from San Diego-based Urchin to help better ...
NEW YORK - Google has acquired US-based online analysis firm Urchin Software for an undisclosed sum. Through the deal, Google will promote Urchin's marketing ...
Yesterday Google announced that it has agreed to purchase web analytics software company Urchin. While it's a bit too early for this to have caused a stir, ...
Google announced late Monday afternoon (March 28th, 2005) that it had reached an agreement with Urchin to buy the web analytics company.
Google announced late Monday it will acquire Urchin Software, a developer of analytic solutions for Web sites. Urchin produces tools to track the performance of ...
Information Week is reporting that Google is planning to buy web-analytic company Urchin Software Group. Google has a history of making some interesting ...