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The new B&B Thread

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    Nov 12th, 2010

    Poor Wyatt. Yeah, I think if I were him, I would have told Steffy that if she leaves, she should just go ahead and file the divorce papers. She, Liam and Thomas are spending so much time talking about how Wyatt hasn’t protected Steffy from Quinn, not that she’s actually needed any protection, since the only danger she’s been in lately is of throwing hissy fits, and Steffy throws at Wyatt that he’s supposed to put her first, while she almost literally has one foot out the door. No one is talking about what kind of priority Steffy should be giving Wyatt, as she can’t not put her need to make Quinn pay for what she did to Liam ahead of anything else. Between Steffy’s ultimatum to Quinn and everything she’s said in their recent conversation, I don’t really see how Wyatt can still believe in this marriage.

    It’s also funny that they all feel so comfortable blaming Wyatt for Quinn’s actions, but Liam is the one who opted not to press charges against her.

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    Jun 19th, 2011

    Eric: “What you’re doing is assault.”

    Wyatt: “Then have me arrested.”

    Eric: “Don’t think I won’t.”

    The Eric/Quinn relationship is the gift that keeps giving.

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    Nov 12th, 2010

    Rick and Maya’s reaction to Ridge being at Brooke’s having breakfast was great.

    Also great: Eric telling Wyatt what the bottom line really is regarding his marriage: Quinn isn’t making Steffy move out. Steffy is making Steffy move out.

    Ridge trying to get Brooke to get Bill to hand over his shares is an interesting turn storywise, though there are definitely more reasonable options to be taken. Like, since Bill hates Quinn as much as the Forresters do, Ridge might have as easy a time convincing him as he did Steffy and Thomas that Eric needs to be removed as CEO. He wouldn’t vote for Ridge or Rick to take over, but he’d probably be willing to support Steffy, especially if he could leverage that against her being more committed to her marriage to Wyatt. It would be nice, though, for Thomas or Brooke to have a conversation with Eric before they get on board with this. Ridge and Steffy both have so much bias in the situation because of what the stakes are for them that they can’t really hear anything Eric or Quinn is saying about their relationship.

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    Nov 12th, 2010

    I’m just curious: Can anyone explain to me the allocation of the Forrester Creations stock shares, or more specifically how that allocation came to be? Bill of course has 12%, which Ridge, I believe, said that he has 20% while Steffy has %25 and Thomas has 5%. I would assume the remaining 38% belongs to Eric?

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    Nov 12th, 2010

    Surprisingly, I like Ivy’s return. I was never much a fan of the character, but Quinn trying to remake her in Steffy’s image is funny. I’m a little worried that the Ivy plot will derail the Quinn and Eric romance, but after the end of Friday’s episode, maybe I shouldn’t worry about it.

    It can get a little exhausting hearing combinations of Liam, Steffy, Thomas, Ridge, and Wyatt have the same conversations about Quinn over and over, but it does make everyone’s positions pretty clear. Like, at this point it seems like Ridge is almost exclusively concerned with getting himself back in as CEO, and any mention of Eric potentially “losing it” is little more than a manipulation. It’s been pointed out to him multiple times that getting Quinn out of the company won’t get him out of Eric’s life, and his reaction is basically a shrug. Steffy can admit that she’s torn between Liam and Wyatt, but is willing to recommit to Wyatt for the sake of getting the upper hand on Quinn. The more Steffy says to or about Quinn, “I warned you/her to say away from my family!” the more she sounds like a petulant child. And she really can’t even consider the consequences or aftermath beyond beating Quinn. Rick actually seems like the only person with any genuine concern fro Eric’s mental health, because of Ridge’s repeated mentions of it.

    It seems telling to me that Brooke has not had any conversations with Eric about his relationship with Quinn. Brooke has generally become a voice of reason on this show, and despite also despising Quinn, I can’t believe she would still go along with Ridge’s plan to unseat Eric is she just had a discussion with him about this whole thing. I’m also hoping that Brooke doesn’t actually sell the shares of Forrester to Ridge (if she and Bill get married and she indeed gets them). It seems really unnecessary, since she can just vote with Ridge on this issue and still maintain a degree of control to help protect both her own and Rick’s interest in the company. Not long ago, she and Bill had to basically blackmail Ridge into not marginalizing Rick, so I’d think she might want some kind of insurance that he wouldn’t just start doing that again.

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    Jun 19th, 2011

    Steffy: “You ended things with Quinn, right?”

    Yes, Steffy is behaving like a petulant child. And I’m loving every minute of it! Although I think Wyatt should tell Steffy to get lost, I love, love, love Jacqueline MacInnes Wood. Her expression at the end of today’s episode was so great.

    Eric asked Quinn to marry him! Music to my ears. This is just what I was hoping.

    Ivy’s presence has not made much of an impression on me so far. Both Liam and Wyatt chose Steffy over Ivy, so why would Ivy want to come back?

    Something tells me that Brooke may not sell her shares to Ridge. She has not overtly agreed to it, and has had some interesting facial expressions during her scenes with Ridge. My interpretation is that she has not yet worked through all the implications/possibilities.

    Wow, Karla Mosley can sing! And she is so cute. I very much enjoyed the National Anthem/ballpark scenes.

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    Feb 19th, 2012

    My love for Rena Sofer clouds my judgement with Quinn; I always root for her, LOL! (;

    They sure are underusing Karla Mosley – I remember when Brad Bell was interviewed and asserted they were going to make her the focal point of the show…

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    Nov 12th, 2010

    I have to say, watching Steffy react badly to every development in the Eric/Quinn relationship is such a joy. I was so thrilled when Quinn and Eric got engaged and equally thrilled when Steffy found out about it.

    I loved the ballpark scenes and Karla Mosley singing the national anthem as well. I do wish Maya was doing more these days. Maybe now that Katie’s part of the story with Bill and Brooke is basically over, there’s room to cycle in a more Maya-centric story.

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    Feb 19th, 2012

    B&B does seem to spread the story-telling love better than the other shows, giving a break for awhile for some favorites and putting yet others in the lead stories. It’s refreshing. Some shows, esp. GH, overuse certain characters/actors endlessly without a break while meanwhile back-burnering favorites FOREVER! Grrr…

    The consistency of B&B has been truly remarkable in 2016!

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    Nov 12th, 2010

    I love that Steffy is not having any of Ridge’s second thoughts about Brooke and Bill getting married.

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    Jun 19th, 2011

    I had to laugh at RJ’s response to Brooke’s engagement. The reaction of a typical contemporary teen boy would be to shrug and pick up his cell phone to respond to a text, play a game, or peruse social media.

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    Jun 19th, 2011

    B&B is on point. The twists and turns keep coming. Although the return of RJ was abrupt (in an unrealistic way), the overall conflict rings true. I love the way they are weaving the stories together.

    If Eric goes through with his marriage to Quinn, I can just picture Steffy calling her “Grandma Quinn.”

    B&B continues to be a lot of fun.

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    Jun 19th, 2011

    I have to give more kudos to B&B for today’s episode. The writing was so focused and character-driven. Great writing and outstanding performances from all, especially Rena Sofer and John McCook.

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    Jun 19th, 2011

    On July 28, I commented in this thread, “I live for the day that she becomes Mrs. Eric Forrester!” And now, two months later, it has come to pass. (Why can this never happen to me with GH?)

    Kudos to whomever dreamed up the inspired coupling of Eric and Quinn.

    I enjoyed everything about the Friday and Monday episodes. But my favorite scenes were of the children and grandchildren debating over whether to attend the wedding. So much family conflict, so much drama, and it was so realistic (at least in comparison to the other soaps). B&B does a great job writing character-based conflict.

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    Nov 12th, 2010

    I’m still a few episodes behind, but I’m loving the leadup to the wedding. It’s funny how offended some of the kids seem to even have received the invitation. It does feel surprisingly grounded, especially considering the circumstances. John McCook and Rena Sofer have totally sold this love between Quinn and Eric, and I love rooting for them. I also really enjoy all the scenes between Quinn and Steffy. Quinn brings a great mix of logical reasoning and heartfelt pleading, and to her credit never seems to lose her patience, even if Steffy is infuriatingly closed off to hearing any of it.

    It cracked me up when Felicia, on her first day back on the show in a couple of years, told Eric that he doesn’t ever have to be alone because, “You have us.” I’m glad Eric called her out on that one, and I also liked him pointing out that they all were enjoying a pretty cordial relationship with Quinn when she worked there before. The kids and grandkids also have a good range in their level of disapproval of Eric’s relationship with Quinn, from Thorne who seems like he could maybe be convinced to Steffy who is even more determined that Ridge to be rid of Quinn.

    Oh, and Eric pointing out that Quinn and Felicia are somewhat similar was good, too. I keep thinking back to when Felicia hired Owen to seduce Donna back when she was married to Eric.

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