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The General Hospital Thread (Part 2)

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    Apr 4th, 2017

    Just ten seconds of him with Jackie Zeman is far more chemistry than almost every couple in daytime.

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    Nov 12th, 2010

    Those were lovely scenes (and I’m not a person who saw much of Brad Maule’s Tony on the show).

    I just read that Amanda Setton is joining the show as Brook Lynn Ashton!!! I absolutely love Amanda Setton, so I’m super excited. She was great as Kimberly as OLTL.

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    Feb 19th, 2012

    I may be the only one who does not want Lucas and Brad to break up. I am grateful to GH though for giving them lots of story and air time during this storyline (: Ryan Carnes and Parry Shen have delivered really strong performances. They are actually my favorite couple on the show.

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    Oct 11th, 2010

    The most I ever saw of Tony is when he was killed off.

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    Nov 12th, 2010

    I don’t want Lucas and Brad to break up, but I like them having some drama. Also, though, it’s hard to believe they won’t at least temporarily break up when the truth about Wiley and Brad’s lies come out.

    Nikolas seems to be behaving both very sloppily and like a real jackass.

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    Apr 4th, 2017

    EmmyLoser, so like Nik at the end anyway?

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    Feb 19th, 2012

    I don’t want Lucas and Brad to break up, but I like them having some drama. Also, though, it’s hard to believe they won’t at least temporarily break up when the truth about Wiley and Brad’s lies come out.

    Nikolas seems to be behaving both very sloppily and like a real jackass.

    I don’t mind a temporary breakup with some drama so long as they get back together in the long run! (:

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    Nov 12th, 2010

    EmmyLoser, so like Nik at the end anyway?

    I guess so. I had stopped watching not long after we saw Nikolas being responsible for the election rigging, so I didn’t really see how he was before the character the killed off.

    Unrelated: I can’t remember the last time I laughed so much at someone being blown up as at the end of today’s GH. I’m not sure why exactly, but it was hilarious, especially with Anna then saying, “Well that’s the end of that.”

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    Nov 12th, 2010

    It’s funny the show spent three full episodes hashing out one irrelevant fact after another during the FrankenDrew court proceedings, but Sam’s trial lasted just one episode. Not that I needed to see day after day of this, especially since the storyline is mostly nonsense. Surely there was evidence on the boat to verify Sam and Jason’s story? And why was it so hard to explain that Jason could possibly actually be defenseless at times? Shiloh was a buff guy, and he caught Jason by surprise. Why no mention of Shiloh having stolen a woman’s car and a baby? That he was holding Dev hostage? And why does no one in her family seem invested in her trial? Alexis was unhappy that she opted for the bench trial, but there was nothing she could do. I’m not sure anyone else even knows she’s in prison? It certainly seems like Julian doesn’t. No Kristina, Molly, Lucas. That storyline is such a weak point on the show.

    I’m really enjoying the Finn/Hayden/Anna/Violet stuff and also the way the FrankenDrew story is turning around. I also got a kick out of Julian assuming Brook Lynn was a prostitute. Even when he’s trying to be nice, Julian can’t help but offend people. I’m way sadder than I should be that he and Brad are on such bad terms now instead of being buddies. On the other hand, it was cool to see Brad take a break from being worried Lucas is going to find out what he did to being resentful that he’s shouldering this huge secret to protect Lucas and keep him happy, and Lucas just keeps hounding him about lies. I so wanted Obrecht to tell Lucas the truth about Wiley and see him have to make the hard choice about what to do.

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    Apr 4th, 2017

    Yeah that was seriously jacked up that the show can pay to have Spinnelli there but not one of Sam’s sisters? Wtf?

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    Nov 12th, 2010

    Jane Elliot will be back on the show around Christmas, I believe, which is great news, but it seems like Rebecca Budig is out again as Hayden, which is a shame. I wonder if this is a case of Budig not wanting to be on longer term, the writers feeling like they can’t write much for Hayden, or the higher ups just feeling like Hayden isn’t a priority?

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    Feb 19th, 2012

    Did I miss the reason that Kendra is out to get Alexis? Confused…

    I enjoyed the teens in detention – implausible, but that’s soaps for ya! The four have great chemistry together (but I miss Oscar).

    Glad that Nina has finally wised up to Valentin.

    Monica has completely lost her mind!

    I wish they would do a big murder trial with big juicy revelations (particularly the Wiley paternity secret).

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    Apr 4th, 2017

    Kendra is Kiefer’s (the boyfriend that beat Kristina and Alexis mowed down with her car) sister. Shiloh dragged her out of nowhere for…let’s say revenge? This has been clumsily plotted and not worth our time with Nancy Lee Grahn from the jump so I hope it wraps soon.

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    Nov 12th, 2010

    Yeah, the only good thing about the Kendra plot is that it hasn’t gotten a lot of airtime.

    I liked the teens in detention as well. The Disney+ product placement was hilarious. Josslyn’s hat and then the discussion of Lady and the Tramp? Haha.

    Nina being onto Valentin was great, or at least seemed great until she said that because she loves Charlotte she’s maybe just going to let it slide. I like Valentin less and less every time he’s on. I didn’t mind him when mostly what he was doing was maintaining the Sasha charade, but now that he’s in villain mode (which on a soap opera means being two steps ahead of every less villainous person in your storyline), he’s pretty insufferable.

    Is Jason going to move into the Quartermaine mansion? It seems kind of ridiculous after the several conversations he had about being the kids’ only parent while Sam in incarcerated (yikes for Scout and Danny) that he’d agree to have them live there without him and just get day-to-day care from, apparently, the nanny.

    Looking forward to seeing if they come up with a plausible way for the Q family Thanksgiving to be ruined this year!

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    Apr 4th, 2017

    With the delays from the hearings I think we get an actual new episode on Thanksgiving and the actual would have been the day before Thanksgiving episode where it all goes to hell at the Q’s is on Monday?

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