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The General Hospital Thread (Part 2)

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    May 14th, 2011

    Let’s continue the conversation here.

    Apr 4th, 2017

    Aaaaaannnnnd Nina is back with Valentin. Well that was a fun week.

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    Feb 19th, 2012

    I enjoy the friendship scenes between Laura and Ava – Genie and Maura are wonderful together.

    William Lipton gave another terrific performance yesterday as he explained his rocky relationship with Franco and how they came to respect and love each other as step-dad and step-son. Very effective work from him yet again.

    Great to see Ryan again and I hope Jon Lindstrom gets to end the year with more strong performances as he was the best actor of early 2019 but has been back-burned since about May…

    They really bungled Shiloh’s death and made it so boring – I have to wonder what on earth they were thinking? They needed a really good strong murder mystery complete with a wrongly accused on murder trial in which Brad would be on the witness stand confessing about the baby switch! Oh well… hopes dashed at least for now!

    btw Parry Shen has done such great work as Brad lately! (:

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    Apr 4th, 2017

    I’ve also enjoyed any time we get with Laura and Ava and I wish we could pair up a couple more “odd couple” friendships to shake things up a bit. By the way, this doesn’t get enough attention but Curtis is one of the most realistically written male characters in daytime. He has 3 important platonic female friends (Hayden, Nina, and Laura) and a good marriage and there’s no jealousy by his wife of his good platonic opposite sex friendships. And there’s no false forced love triangles. That’s good characterization soaps don’t often engage in enough. I think Kevin/Ryan got back burned because Lindstrom was unavailable for a period? Btw that’s what you get GH for not making him contract!


    SOOOOOO over Valentin and Nina and that annoying brat that plays the daughter. Why can’t this be the kid that gets sent to the boarding school with the SORAS outbreak???

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    Apr 4th, 2017

    So with the only witness against Sam to say that she ordered Shiloh’s breakout so she could kill him there’s no case federal or otherwise. His statements aren’t admissible and he cannot be cross examinated. Why is she in prison?

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    Apr 4th, 2017

    Seriously how are Chase and Michael not a damn couple???

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    Nov 12th, 2010

    I just watched the episode where they’re sparring in the boxing ring, and really the whole thing felt like it was leading to them hooking up. While I like Sasha as a character (more and more lately), Michael seems much more interested in both Chase and Willow than he does in her, outside of his wanting to help her through the current crisis with Nina.

    Cynthia Watros’s Nina was interesting for about three episodes, and now she and Valentin are as annoying as ever. If she wants to forgive Valentin for lying about Sasha, that’s her business I guess, but this willful denial she’s swimming in, trying to tell people that Valentin was just a victim of Sasha’s as well, is so outlandish. Also outlandish: Diane describing that the FBI has no evidence and no case against Sam while still discussing how best to keep her from being convicted.

    It really surprised me that the FrankenDrew competency hearing was three episodes of stuff that was mostly (clearly) not pertinent to any legal decision being made, and also that neither side seemed to know at any given time which witnesses were helping or hurting them. I’m also kind of shocked that no one on Scott/Elizabeth’s side ever used the word brainwashed or presented any testimony to rebut the idea that Franco’s memories are just gone forever.

    I’m loving the developments with the teen characters, and that the story isn’t just revolving around Joss, with everyone having something going on. Having Trina work with Ava at the gallery was pretty cool. I’m also glad that Hayden finally told Finn about their daughter, but it was kind of anti-climatic the way it just happened.

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    Nov 12th, 2010

    I also meant to say that I thought Michael Easton did a really good job in the scenes where Hayden sprung their sick daughter on him. It was well calibrated for the character but still felt very intense.

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    Feb 19th, 2012

    Who is the actor playing nuNikolas? I saw that one coming! Yet another back from the dead character – so why can’t they bring back Alan Q.? (;

    Nice episode today! (: Hoping for better stories soon! (:

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    Nov 12th, 2010

    Despite my constructive criticisms above, I’m really into GH right now. Some of the storylines are not great, but the show has mostly done a good job of paying attention to its characters, giving most of them something to do, not having them act in ways that make no sense, and not making them go off the rails for no reason. Even if I tune into an episode where we get a lot of a character I don’t really care about like Alexis or Carly, they are dependably themselves.

    I saw on SOD that nuNikolas is played by Marcus Coloma, with whom I’m wholly unfamiliar. He seemed quite young to be Nikolas, but maybe it just seemed that way in yesterday’s episode. Based on the way he moved and his body language before he pulled the mask off, I would have almost thought it was a Spencer recast had they not started off by showing this person in the shower.

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    Apr 4th, 2017

    <p style=”text-align: left;”>So this Nicholas is played by a 41 year old actor whereas Tyler Christopher turns 47 in ten days; however even fudging for some light SORASing, that’s still pretty close to the chronology which would put Nik as being born in 82/83.</p>

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    Feb 19th, 2012

    So far I am liking nuNikolas. Disappointed to read they are planning on recasting Spencer though. If that is true we lose Nicolas Bechtel permanently ): I really want Valentin to be off the show and am hoping this storyline will finally make that happen. I do not understand at all why he is still on the show as he is beyond useless as far as I am concerned.

    I am amazed by what a poor job they have done with the end of the Shiloh story – the only thing that could salvage it is that he survived and they give him a better ending (a murder mystery please!)

    I absolutely love the friendship between Laura and Ava! I want more scenes between the two of them.

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    Nov 12th, 2010

    LOL, no sooner do I praise the show for writing their characters well than Jax is putting off having Josslyn move in with him because of his scheme with Nikolas. I find it rather annoying that, given the history and the last few months, Jax doesn’t just tell Nikolas to find another house to haunt because his daughter wants to move in. He would be very eager to get Joss out of Sonny’s house, even part time, especially after her getting drunk at the Halloween dance.

    I like nuNikolas just fine so far, though I don’t love that they’re going right back to him being more villainous like he was in the couple of years before his apparent death rather than the more generally virtuous character he was before. I’ll get over it, though. I didn’t hear about them recasting Spencer, but that’s kind of sad. Is Nicholas Bechtel unavailable, or do they want to age him? Once Nikolas is revealed, it makes sense for Spencer to be back on, and it would be good to mix him in with the teens they have now.

    The story with Brad and Julian took a weird left turn. But I like that the Wiley secret can lead to Brad and Lucas having issues that aren’t just directly about losing Wiley.

    Also, I like that Michael is standing by Sasha and wanting to help her out, but it was irritating that he wouldn’t let her have her conversation with Curtis by herself, especially because he basically kept telling Curtis that the DNA test faking is none of his business, where in fact it is way more Curtis’s business than Michael’s.

    Oh, and it seems like Roger Howarth has dropped or at least strongly toned down the drawl he was doing as FrankenDrew, which is good because Michael Knight’s Colonel Sanders accent is more than enough. Actually I thought the most recent scenes with Howarth, both with Elizabeth and Scott, were much better than the previous ones. The performance works a lot better for me if Howarth is just trusted to play the character differently without a distinguishing gimmick.

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    Apr 4th, 2017

    Show of hands: how many times did you cry with Brad Maule onscreen today? There are no wrong answers …

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    Jun 23rd, 2012

    ^^^ Let’s just say I had to dry my eyes more than once lol. These are the type of scenes GH does so well (wonderful script too by Barbara Bloom and co.)!

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