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@av_gamer said:

@permanentsigh: Yeah, but Jeff is known for doing that because he doesn't care about spoilers. He's done it for years on GB. I've learned to skip ahead once he starts talking about the story in a video game once the embargo ends.

Seems like you'd think dan doesn't care like most of the staff about stories as they usually seem to not enjoy most movies and then they flip me on the head and fall hard for some random game with a story you likely seen in some anime or something lol. Like Dan prior watching anime and thinking MGS was soo crazy (it is just saying a lot of that kinda story telling you can find in anime from the 90s.) Not making fun of them more just remarking. Its something we all fall into i guess. Hence i get why he doesn't care about story very quickly, takes alot to impress him. Then again sometimes it doesnt lol, he's also a college guy in the field sooo no telling with DAN he's a savant and anomaly all good.

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@topcyclist: I think the only parts of Sonic games that are worse than the hold-to-go-fast-and-hit-things parts are the slow-down-and-do-some-terrible-platforming parts.

lol but then you just explained that you think all of sonic is bad...slow bad lol. Fair enough most hate sonic but a bit harsh. I had some fun in last levels of sonic where platforming is harsh but i also get that the fast parts are most fun but it gets old. Not sure how mario does it but doing the same thing in his games for years (besides the same gimmicks most platformers add to spice things up) works. Mario though has some tight controls so maybe its that. Also mario made it apparent early story doesnt matter so dont dock me for that and sonic has a comic etc so they try to push a narrative...just overall hard way up hill. That said i though against all in GB...sonic 1 was more fun and looked better than Mario 1...Allow the hate but i liked them both. Something unique about the graphics for the time and speed. Mario also felt a bit slippery back then...mario 2 on gameboy hate all you want was my fave for a while though. Anyway wont argue against someone who thinks sonic is worst than mario game wise...he won along time ago due to bad management and not keeping with the times. Mario is timeless it seems.

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Will I get to beat up a whopping two or three supervillains and spend 50 hours collecting grocery bags or whatever this game's treadmill happens to be?

Sounds like you had the same issue the crew had. They would rather the game be bite sized like miles morales. Though the first game had more than three villains. Miles has the fewer villain variety. Personally think Miles game works well but you just cant spend that much on a sequel and come out with a game you can beat in a rental period...people would complain no matter how good it is. I think we have to realize sometimes stuff like the flashy fights and on rails stuff is super good for the average gamer, and such people are the bulk buying. You see that flashy stuff or play it in a mall as a kid and you'd flip like seeing the sonic running from whales in sonic's just pressing a button but it looks and seems cool. Miles story game in hindsight works so well for people as you dont have time to get bored, its like the assassins creed rouge game vs assassins creed 4, where all the cool stuff is condensed into a rollercoster of fast fun without the bloat.

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@av_gamer said:

Another quality Sonic product to trigger the bandwagon haters. Good.

Can't load the video on the site. I'm guessing it's the usual giantbomb video on how they finally made a "good" sonic game, and they ignore any they liked in the past. I don't really wanna watch if it's just more bashing about how sonic was never good or so on from people who likely kept the mindset that anytime he slows down it's bad, but also it's bad if you just press forward, but also it's bad if i hit anything just pressing forward because he's moving too fast. I for different opinions just that i heard this take in every sonic quicklook i'd rather they just skip the games and make some blanket claim that the games bad no matter what.

Most people with these takes I honestly feel they don't get past the first hour of any of these games since they always slow down somewhat and aren't just about going forward and pressing straight. When you see that most % of games aren't finished I get it. Why would someone finish or nearly complete a game they hate. I had pals put down sonic mania after the first level cause they said yup just another sonic game and wouldn't take no for an answer when i told them the level they played was the same from the old days on purpose to flip it on its head the next level keep going. Its the discourse i expect at this point from sonic haters and the response is text dumps like this defending it even when i don't think the games are perfect either just think the massive craps these games get is bubsy levels when im playing and like this is fine. Also hate that sega takes all the criticism mostly from the hater section and tries to persuade haters to like their games when at best they 7/10 it (sonic frontiers) or like mania (which is basically sonic 1-4 remix) and finally say it's good. It's been that way for a while you just hated on it. Rant done XD.

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@schindigg: I thought it was just me. Cant watch on mobile.

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@dizzyhippos: Yeah, plus it's much shorter. Though after the response to bizarre adventure where bizaree is in the title and they still had trouble taking in things not being air tight. I think even if chainsawman literally is called chainsawman on purpose to make you think this is gonna be stupid (then it's not), wont prepare them enough. Plus most of them already watched it recently. I guess it will work better when season 2 hits and the crazier stuff comes but i'd like to see them react to CM cause the animation and off filter feel shows the large difference anime has, its not all screaming about powers and dbz planet will explode in 5 min = eps time etc. (Sadly if CM adaptation was like normal anime seems japan would have liked it more lol.). Cowboy bebop is kinda slow some eps with some highs and many watched as kids so nostalgia helps but i think people push it too much as this show for non fans and all serious. It still has tons of anime things westerners wont be used to. Judging by how they disliked most fights in part 3 even the last that even haters of jjb like, it seems they also liked part 1 alot more than most since people say part 1 is slow and they skip it ect. Its hard to guess what part they will love. Even part 7 unanimously liked most, may not be their favorite cause people like it for all the weird. Likely they will enjoy the final fight in 6, and like the “air tightness” of 4 and intensity while hating 5 since they wont get how it works. Fun podcast.

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Edited By Topcyclist

@gyratyne: I remember there being a video on youtube that debunked all the issues people have about araki forgot. It was quite in depth and called out alot of people for actually overlooking things. One big thing was that in the fight their not flying even if the anime made it seem that way to save animation. People in japan are also way more accepting of stuff since they know or are used to the things non fans arent. Like I never saw a person besides kids who grew up on it and dont have this issue, never saw someone new to anime not complain about characters saying something and not immediately doing it. They usually complain about the time and chalk it up to anime is slow and time is off. Animation people need to adapt comic bubbles plus they cant animate like disney where they get a while to work on things, so cost saving measures cause the lack of just going at it. Lately shows started avoiding this issue as they started learning about western taste and adapting, since westerners low rate their shows if they're not satisfied "Mid" is the worst new word. (real sad state this stuff is in).

Stands act like ghost in that they phase and pick up objects we saw that in the episode where jotaro steals jewelry from a store. He can hold his heart the stands can even phase inside you. Dio lost cause Jotaro hit his stand, not the bad leg thing exactly. Again I think its an issue were its supposed to be pretty clear by now so editors didn't explain but stands get injured you do too. Jotaro is stronger and destroyed dio's stand enough for it to break, your stand breaks so do you in the same manner. He would regenerate but jotaro just didn't put the pieces back together and waited for the sun. Yes, jotaro stopped time and went in the sewer to get dio on tilt. lol. Torture the guy you hate 101. He's been doing this crap all season. I believe jotaro in the illustration is jumping off things with his stand and yes where his stand goes he goes/is carried. Slippery magazines could just be him holding it with his stand, aint much to hold too in stopped time. Things you interact with in stopped time can move, the magnets are on someone who moves in stopped time hence they can move when someone like dio or jotaro is involved. Its stuff im guessing araki or his readers can infer so he doesnt explain. Editors are the reason some stuff like this gets explained and others not i bet. plus this early and you wouldnt get the best editors. Sometimes they even higher highschool age editors to better hit their demo and i know some just dont think about this stuff or think explaining it would be boring. For jumping, The illustration isnt clear with this either. Why araki explains some things alot (mostly to differentiate his series and a personal tick) and why he doesnt explain things where they need it...Dont know, guessing authors just dont notice people wont infer certain things over others. I know tons of series have this problem.

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@gyratyne: Its funny because the crew is perplexed about the good boys just acting so casual about things when they are always in danger and should be freaking out about anything weird...but i guess casual fans are fine or used to this trope (much like a nonhorror fan would go nuts about the not using your cell phone when in danger or going to a dangerous location etc)

But fans of animes hate and i mean hate realistic takes on things like a character who cries alot for being in really depressing and dangerous situations all the time, or hesitating to take out an enemy when in real life even soilders trained to do so hesitate, or biggest thing, when a character is super scared in dangerous situations (demonslayer) with a character in that show screaming and making people quit the show entirely as if its the end of the these characters would be ok with the crew it seems (chainsawman's scared character) etc. Its like why are people ok with scooby and shaggy scared run in US, but freak out if any character is scared or not cool in anime...very strange...maybe its the hero or escapism of it all, like how all videogame characters have to be cool and the best or we dont like em, such as people hating injured sections of games cause their slow paced or hating the loss of powers in a sequel or a character that is saying cringe lines etc. We see ourselves as cool or wanna be but we'd be running in their situations.

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@cyberspacecat: Oh yeah 100% agree.

I was speaking more to those who hate it and do the whole YouTube video did Chainsawman live up TOo ThE HyPe crazy eyes and then say no and go on to say how it couldn't, and then you have tons in the comments agreeing...and some hating because they compared it to their top 3 anime, and it only made it to their 10th on the list or some weird thing. Honestly the fact that so many were impressed by it without seeing the crazy stuff leads me to believe it will go down well if it continues. I say if, due to the negativity and like all popular things, hate. Many hated the smooth animation and real feel (movie like) stuff. The character acting and heavy weight to movement went over their heads because one frame of animation wasn't drawn perfectly, and they expected better. Those types of people are claiming it was all a failure cause dvd sales weren't high...even if the sales were not documented in the aggregate from the official site and dvd sales don't factor that much these days. Overall it's this weird toxic take down on things that are popular that i don't like especially when you see the shot they gave such a young director to manage this, and he was able to put so much into it like a weird work of passion in an industry (the arts) that we need to go back into more over just money. Then he gets threats and told it was a failure and would be better animated like cyberpunk which works for that story but not all stories (it was stiff at times).

But yeah speaking on your take that it's very western, i agree. Even more so than cowboy bebop I feel beginner anime are chainsaw man and attack on titan. That sounds crazy on paper, but the premise is weird, the acting isn't over the top and doesn't do the usual tropes (falling into breast and overreacting, giant sweat marks then falling on the ground like a cartoon, topics about the power of friendship. etc.) It has a grounded nature that many who see anime as always weird, might be surprised by, and the topics aren't handled often even in western media. So yeah 100% agree just coming from another angle. Also, to be fair, I saw the hype and read the story and the material covered in the show, chapter wise, doesn't really showcase why anyone would be crazy for the series besides it being more mature than expected and unpredictable. I see many reviews that only start to like it at the second to last arc or 70 chapters in...big ask.

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@xenonxylophone: Yeah, i know he likes it but he also knows the entire story. I think john also loves attack on titan, and some of the crew hates it which gave jeff the opinion it wasn't for him but i suspect that would have been his favorite show.

John tempers his excitement as he understands when he's talking to someone who only consumed a few episodes of the material vs his entire knowledge.


It's like how people read 10 chapters of chainsawman or about 2-3 episodes and pounced on it for being overrated vs those saying it's so good. The people saying it's so good were rating on how well it was adapted and the expectation that the rest was in good hands. The 10 chapter readers were more about how it's overrated since all the hype moments weren't seen yet or the reasons it's unique...uniqueness being the one thing people push so much stock in for a series being worthy of praise vs their own list of finished and beloved shows.

Honestly it's an unfair uphill battle to be worthy of praise in 2 or 3 episodes (3 episode rule) vs some shows where people watched them as kids and didn't rate so harshly (people watch 700 eps of naruto, 1000 one piece, 100 of dbz, etc.) and they covet the shows they watched when younger as so much better but on rewatch today, they would have dropped in 3 eps using today's harsher ruling.