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Top 10 games I didn't finish and swore to myself i'll get back to

or by it's other name, Top 10 games that mock me from atop my games shelf.
The list is by how little chance there is i'll actually get back to it.

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  • In case you aren't aware, this game came on FIVE discs (true, that's about a DVD today, but that game is god damn long. The story behind this is that I got to disc 5 (around the middle of it) and my PC crashed.

    I put the computer in a lab and some asshole technician FORMATTED MY HARD DRIVE !. I tried to start it over but couldn't play for more then an hour because I knew how long i need to go to get to where i was.

  • Giant robots and Hideo Kojima. Why the hell did i stop playing this ?....

  • This game is awesome. It had the atmosphere, the gameplay,... but I think i stopped playing after the eagle colossi. I hope i'll get back to this because i'd love to see that story unfold. don't know if that'll happen though. :(

  • This game is a legend, and i'm kinda ashamed i've never finished it. I should play it. I want to play it. But for some reason, i just don't.

  • Shit this game is good. but I got to Hill 182 (pretty sure that's the right hill) and couldn't get passed it. tried coming from the right, from the left, with heavy mortar cover, with heavy tank support but nothing...

    It is on my steam, so maybe i'll actually run it and give it another go.

  • I didn't play much of it, but i really enjoyed what i have. I stopped because there were other games to play and it just got buried in the pile of "games i rather play right now". played it before on the PS2. should i just get the Wii edition ?

  • damnit, i bought season 1 by pieces and got the whole 2nd season on a steam deal, but i stopped playing after finishing ep4 in season one ! I never even finished the first season !!!

  • I'm pretty sure i'm near the end, and like MGS i just kinda stopped. I enjoy the game and the story. I'll finish this because i do want to know the ending. maybe i'll just restart it ?

  • I don't know why i stopped... I got to the part where they return to an old location, full of snow (don't want to put spoilers, even now...) and i just stopped putting the disc in. I WILL get back to this because MGS is a personal favorite series and i have to know how it ends.

  • This is the shit right here. I made it to the Citadel and decided to go stroll around a little, something i didn't do a lot of up until that point. Never made it back to the citadel....

    But it's a fast-trip away from wherever i am, so good chances i'll hit that up some day.