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  • Manburger posted a message in the forum topic DOOM Eternal Demands You Dance. on the Doom Eternal board

    Another thoroughly enjoyable read, your DOOMthusiasm is infectious! The Sekiro comparison feels apt, although while I love that game, I merely consider Eternal quite sick and/or rad. Sorry for being s...

  • Manburger posted a message in the forum topic All 3DO Games (Kinda) In Order: 1994 (Part 10). on the 3DO board

    Putt Putt's Fun Pack does seem like a lackluster standalone release - couldn't find any original prices, but hopefully it was at least cheap on other platforms?"The nicest thing I can say about the ex...

  • Manburger posted a message in the forum topic 64 in 64: Episode 44. on the Nintendo 64 board

    Another fab entry! Always enjoy the additional history and context. The intro feels like a cogent and succinct analysis of the travails of early 3D console gamedev."... we're able to acquire a better ...

  • Manburger posted a message in the forum topic DOOM 2016 Begins a Renaissance. on the Doom board

    @ford_dent: Haha oh shit x2! Seeing it now, I did begin to recall reading that 13 (uh-oh) years ago. Can see why that bit would stick. I should've dug a bit deeper. (It was linked in the opening— woop...

  • Manburger posted a message in the forum topic The Community Spotlight 2024.07.21. on the General Discussion board

    @bowl-of-lentils: You're welcome! :D Oh, sorry about the misattribution, important to correctly give credit where it is due. But you have made some fab wiki contributions elsewhere!

  • Manburger posted a message in the forum topic DOOM 2016 Begins a Renaissance. on the Doom board

    Ooh man, yeah: this game slaps with enough force to shatter the sound barrier! Look forward to the Eternal write-up(s). I think I prefer the comparative leanness of 2016, and I can sort of see where s...

  • Manburger posted a message in the forum topic The Gulf Between The TV/Film Streaming Platforms Gaining And Losing Subscribers Is Massive. Are You Ready For Bundles?. on the Off-Topic board

    Great write-up! Yeah, it's been "fun" watching these companies speedrun the enshittification cycle. With my budget I can't really justify having more than a single sub at a time, let alone a dozen, es...

  • Manburger posted a message in the forum topic The Community Spotlight 2024.07.21. on the General Discussion board

    Excellent user blogs this week!And shout outs to @bowl-of-lentils for that wiki page. Check out their videos if you haven't— good stuff!

  • Manburger posted a message in the forum topic All PS1 Games In Order: Special - I Went Beyond The Beyond And All I Got Was This Lousy T-Shirt. on the PlayStation board

    SPOILER Great write-up, a fun read! ...Wait, hold up, you're telling me you meet God and don't kill Him? Are you sure this is a JRPG?Camelot seems like proof a fresh(-ish) developer might need a gam...

  • Manburger posted a message in the forum topic Reload my Dread.. on the Persona 3 Reload board

    Wow— powerful, touching personal essay. Beautifully done. Not sure how to appropriately articulate this, but I'm very glad and relieved you are doing better. Lovely, uplifting note to end on. Thanks f...

  • Manburger posted a message in the forum topic DOOM³ is Fine but its Shotgun Still Sucks Ass. on the Doom 3 board

    Definitively dig these DOOMings, a hoot to read!DOOM³ is now the only mainline DOOM I've not finished (unless you also require me to play the PS1 version, but I'm not quite on that level of beautiful,...

  • Manburger posted a message in the forum topic Field Report V: Halo Infinite Two and a Half Years In. on the Halo Infinite board

    Thank you for the report, Sarge! I was among the people quite/reasonably stoked on the beta, but I didn't really end up playing a lot of the final release. Though in my case that's mostly due to the b...

  • Manburger posted a message in the forum topic The Community Spotlight 2024.07.13. on the General Discussion board

    Haha, damn, people went hog wild on the Minotti! (i see no problem with this sentence)Groovy stuff as usual. Thanks for the Spotlight, ZP!ᵈᵒᵍ

  • Manburger posted a message in the forum topic The Game Pass Price Increase Is Here, And The Same Week MS Advertises "You Don’t Need An Xbox To Play Xbox". on the Xbox Game Pass board

    Great write-up! Really appreciate these industry analysis & news articles from you.Game Pass is still enough of a deal for me— I usually subscribe for a month when there's a handfull of games I wa...

  • Manburger posted a message in the forum topic Mega Archive CD: Part X: From Alshark to Prize Fighter. on the Sega CD board

    ‶(...) it's always kind of thrilling to discover a Sega JRPG that I had no idea existed, developed and published by two entities I'd never heard of before”Oh yeah! It's a treat to discover games in ge...

  • Manburger posted a message in the forum topic All PS1 Games In Order: Part 032. on the PlayStation board

    Presumably I've expressed this before, but actually completing every RPG is resplendently pathological and I'm all about it. Believe in the heart of the cards!