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  • knaws posted a message in the forum topic Whats the often fastest you've been sold on a game/movie/etc that you knew little about then loved, when engaging with it?. on the General Discussion board

    BG3 for me. Had zero interest it until seeing the crew and others play it just ahead of release.When I went to go buy it on Steam, I was confused that it wasn't on the front page despite its populari...

  • knaws posted a message on the post Ride to Grubb: Jefftribution | Part 6.

    @darkanoff: In case you didn't resolve it already, I was also getting this issue with it being the Lethal Company video, but clearing my cache for the site got the correct Blight Club video to appear.

  • knaws posted a message in the forum topic Videos Not Working on Chrome. on the Bug Reporting board

    Enabling performance cookies worked for me as well. I did not need to enable functional cookies.I hadn't encountered the issue on Chrome (which I use less), and checking the site's cookies there, sure...

  • knaws posted a message in the forum topic Videos Not Working on Chrome. on the Bug Reporting board

    As of today I noticed a similar issue, except for me it's not working in Firefox, while Chrome works fine. I think the last non-live video I watched was sometime middle of or late last week, so could...

  • knaws posted a message on the post Play it Forward - 05.

    This episode was pure gold.

  • knaws posted a message on the post 769: TRAILERD.

    @holyumbrella: This was pre-recorded before the holiday break.

  • knaws posted a new image.
  • knaws posted a message on the post Travelogue: The Galloping Ghost Arcade (pt. 1).

    At 5:32 you can hear Colossus doing his special move in the X-Men arcade game. That sound effect is forever burned in my memory like none other.

  • knaws posted a message on the post Horizon is Ugly and Here's Why.

    Having the thumbnail for this be a close-up of Aloy's face and the word "ugly" feels like some real clickbait, considering all the dumb outrage over them making Aloy's cheeks bigger in the sequel or w...

  • knaws posted a message on the post Crunchyroll Expo 2022.

    Dorohedoro is actually the one anime I've gotten myself to watch in like the past five years. Randomly saw the trailer for it on Netflix and thought "This is all my jam" and watching the series corrob...

  • knaws posted a message on the post The Very Online Show 24: Gentleminions.

    @nophilip said:How dare you skip past crucial discussion on Mentok the Mindtaker.I couldn't believe that either. It was like the Seinfeld episode when Elaine yada yada'd sex.

  • knaws posted a message on the post We've Got Premium, You've Got Questions.

    I'm curious what "priority chat" will entail exactly, particularly compared to the existing chat.Side note, looks like there are some kinks to work out re: no ads for premium users, as I got an embedd...

  • knaws posted a message on the post ALBUMMER! 36: Around the World with The Chipmunks.

    On the topic of Giant Bomb in fact having a chat: When are you cowards going to do a live episode alongside Giant Bomb chat?

  • knaws posted a message on the post 008.

    @hammondoftexas said:Also Costco totally takes regular Credit Cards, at least they do where I live, I have used both a Visa and MasterCard at Costco recently.Must be an exception where you live. The ...

  • knaws posted a message on the post ALBUMMER! 18: Fieldy's Dreams (featuring Jess O'Brien).

    Re: actually Cheech or not, let's not forget he appeared on the bonus track on Korn's Follow the Leader to help them cover his own song from one of the C&C movies. I assume that was totally him on...

  • knaws posted a message on the post GrubbSnax.

    Pro tip: Jeff comes in at about 14:30

  • knaws posted a message on the post Resident Evil Village.

    For some reason this QL isn't showing up in the QL carousels.

  • knaws posted a message on the post The Hitmazing Race.

    Brad had such a great start in Berlin going for the agent up top and getting his covert SMG. But then he made the mistake of running all the way back down and never using that gun. You can pick off fo...