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  • jeff posted a new image.
  • jeff posted a message in the forum topic In 2022 my faith in Intellivision Amico couldn't possibly be stronger.. on the Intellivision Amico board

    Congrats, I've seen this thread linked like twice in various "can you believe these Amico people?????" contexts.

  • jeff posted a message on the post 734: Level 37 Fedora.

    @btstreleckis: I don't think I'd count on them to have distribution and manufacturing set up for a full-on retail product. If they're going digital-only, then yeah, they probably don't need a "real" p...

  • jeff posted a message on the post 018.

    @torajix: I originally planned to buy one from Japan but the US release ended up being just close enough that I held out.

  • jeff posted a message in the forum topic A long shot but...Pax East 2022 for any of Giant Bomb Crew?. on the General Discussion board

    I'd love to start going to PAX again, but probably not this year. With these kids here being too young to get vaccinated I'm pretty skittish about travel at the moment.

  • jeff posted a message on the post 729: Cancelling Time.

    @haneybd87: We can only hope.

  • jeff posted a new image.
  • jeff posted a new image.
  • jeff posted a message on the post UPF - 03/11/22.

    @sebmal: big ups to fred for fredding it up

  • jeff posted a new image.
  • jeff posted a new image.
  • jeff posted a new image.
  • jeff posted a new image.
  • jeff posted a new image.
  • jeff posted a new image.
  • jeff posted a new image.
  • jeff posted a new image.
  • jeff posted a new image.
  • jeff posted a new image.
  • jeff posted a new image.