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  • GrayFox666 posted a message in the forum topic Where did everybody go?. on the General Discussion board

    Frankly Jeff Bakalar is the worst part of GB, and him having a authoritative role really has ruined the site for me personally. Grubb, Dan, Jan, Mike, Lucy, and Tam are great, but that is not the lin...

  • GrayFox666 posted a message in the forum topic Your thoughts on the current state of the video game industry? (As of March 5th, 2023). on the General Discussion board

    I am not going to make an entire new topic about this but I have to get it out.I find the 180 games press from the 90s have done on Japanese games hilarious. if you look at the reckoning Adam Sessler ...

  • GrayFox666 posted a message in the forum topic Hogwarts Legacy and the Dilemma of Ethical Consumption. on the Hogwarts Legacy board

    @efesell: god i feel this so much.

  • GrayFox666 posted a message in the forum topic Hogwarts Legacy and the Dilemma of Ethical Consumption. on the Hogwarts Legacy board

    @lapsariangiraff: I read that article and if I made a mistake please let me know, but I cant find the article on the main page. However I do find articles like this.

  • GrayFox666 posted a message in the forum topic Hogwarts Legacy and the Dilemma of Ethical Consumption. on the Hogwarts Legacy board

    I listened to Hasanabi view of this situation…it’s a really difficult situation, but I feel like us on the left really missed the mark on this issue. This is the reason the left is sidelined in moder...

  • GrayFox666 posted a message on the post Jan Ochoa's Top 10 Games of 2022.

    I can’t believe I lived to see the day where Xenoblade Chronicles 3 is on a member of giant bombs GOTY list let alone number 1.

  • GrayFox666 posted a message on the post Giant News.

    End of an era…good luck Jeff

  • GrayFox666 posted a message in the forum topic How is 8-4 play related to giant bomb?. on the General Discussion board

    @onemanarmyy: Disclosure is absolutely the key part. As long as someone discloses their personal/professional relationship to a project, there is no issue. We can get into a lot about how games journa...

  • GrayFox666 posted a message on the post Welcome Giant Bomb's Newest Member: Jess!.

    Knowing literally nothing about you AT ALL before I just watched the latest Dark Pictures Quick Look, I might rescind my cancellation of premium. Been a premium member since day 1 but have felt disill...

  • GrayFox666 posted a message in the forum topic Is the S worth a look in?. on the Xbox Series X/S board

    If you don’t have a 4K screen ABSOLUTELY get an S

  • GrayFox666 posted a message on the post Axiom Verge 2.

    Ugh another solo quick look. I hate that the concept Giant Bomb made their bread n butter is now so relegated to the back that they cant even have Jeff and Jan do a QLEDIT: I love Jeff and loved him d...

  • GrayFox666 posted a message in the forum topic What happened to Quick Looks (and maybe some other spontaneous formats)?. on the General Discussion board

    @bisonhero: I did only watch the first episode, so thank you for correcting me on my wrong perception about episode 3. As you mention though the show I feel is not for me and I am not going to watch i...

  • GrayFox666 posted a message in the forum topic What happened to Quick Looks (and maybe some other spontaneous formats)?. on the General Discussion board

    I just watched Grubsnax for the first time and WHY IS THIS A PREMIUM SHOW. I appreciate Jeff Grub, but this half news half opinion show being behind a paywall is absurd. Jeff Grub IS NOT JASON SCHREIE...

  • GrayFox666 posted a message on the post GrubbSnax Ep. 03: Steam Deck, Loki, and Meat Sweats.

    WHY IS THIS PREMIUM??? It's a man almost simply guessing and a recap of the news. Why am I paying money for this? I like Jeff Grub but this is not why I pay for a Giant Bomb subscription.

  • GrayFox666 posted a message in the forum topic What happened to Quick Looks (and maybe some other spontaneous formats)?. on the General Discussion board

    I dont want to pile on, but for all people asking about "patience" people are paying for a subscription. Content has frankly been a massive issue since the pandemic began and honestly Jeff G is maybe ...

  • GrayFox666 posted a message in the forum topic The Community Spotlight 2021.05.08. on the General Discussion board

    This finally made me fucking cry.

  • GrayFox666 posted a message on the post See You Next Game.

    Love you all so much. Thanks for the years of content, and I am still hopeful for the future of the site, but if it does go down I will follow you all to the ends of the earth.

  • GrayFox666 posted a message in the forum topic Vinny, Brad, and Alex are leaving the site. Last day is Friday.. on the General Discussion board

    I found giant bomb in 09 so this is truly devastating news. At the same time I feel I have drifted away from the site over the past year. Without Vinny I’m not sure how much content on this site will ...