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E3 2011 Most Anticipated Games

E3 has once again been a mind-blowing spectacle for me and among what's been shown are some truly captivating games, so in no particular order here are my top fifteen most anticipated games shown at this years Electronic Entertainment Expo.

List items

  • Journalists have been saying excellent things about the demo for this game and the environments and aesthetics both look absolutely astounding. This game only not looks like a refreshing departure from the world of the past two Bioshock games but also promises a great new experience in its own right.

  • Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2 are two of my all-time favourite RPGs and right from the end of the second game I've been extremely expectant for Mass Effect 3. With what's been shown at E3 and the track record of Bioware I'm looking forward to ME3 as a stunning conclusion to a fantastic series.

  • The combat system, level design and character portrayal of Batman: Arkham Asylum made it one of my favourite games of 2009. Arkham City aims to take the elements that made the original game such a hit and impose them on an exciting new open-world gameplay format which looks precision-engineered to please Batman fans and video game fanatics alike.

  • My early history with video games was a bit of a strange one but one of my favourite games of my early teenage days was Luigi's Mansion. An unusual choice I know, but it's what made Luigi's Mansion 2 one of the most exciting Nintendo announcements for me this year. I hope it can capture at least part of the fun I had with the original game.

  • While I think a whole new Halo trilogy is perhaps going a little far and despite the surprise of this game being spoiled by the pre-press conference leak, I'm very expectant to see where 343 take the Halo series next. Whether Halo 4 can live up to the quality of its predecessors and how much 343 are going to change the formula are big questions which I can't wait to see answered.

  • This game was undoubtedly the high point of the Ubisoft conference and while I'd prefer that the company went straight from Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood to Assassin's Creed III, I might as well enjoy this title while it's here. The new character design on Ezio is very well done and if Revelations offers an experience anywhere near as good as Brotherhood it'll be a hell of a game.

  • The Smash Bros. series has consistently been damn good fun and while there are currently zero details on the new title I can't wait to see more Nintendo-themed fighting action.

  • While I've still yet to make my mind up how interested I'll be in the gameplay of Dust, it's worth taking note of anything put out by the creators of EVE, who have pioneered a unique and solid game experience, even in one of the most competitive game genres today. With Dust it's probable that we could see both a very individual experience and a never-before-seen kind of cross-game play.

  • I've never been the biggest fan of the Tomb Raider franchise but there's something somewhat beguiling about this series reboot. It not only offers a promising redesign of one of the most iconic element of the games, Lara herself, but also claims to put forward something few other games do; a truly vulnerable character being thrown into the ruthless and gritty world of an action game.

  • Amongst the shooter-fatigue of E3 and the general sequel-weariness that this series has brought me, Modern Warfare 3 still looks like a great piece of game development. MW3 promises to be an exciting addition to the ever-successful series.

  • From a technical standpoint this may be the most impressive thing I've seen done on a console. Drake's Deception blends the Indiana Jones-style action of the previous instalments with a somehow even more spectacular showcase of visual assets and animation. Big props to Naughty Dog on this one.

  • Do I plan to buy a Kinect? Not really. Is this a fantastic tech demo? Hell yes. For us the Kinect may be a novelty but that doesn't detract from the fact that what was shown of this product on the Microsoft stage was freaking amazing.

  • The accessible and highly customisable nature of Forza 3 meant that even for people like me, who aren't overly familiar with the racing genre, a great deal of enjoyment could be had. Forza 4 looks to be a content-packed and visually beautiful return to this world.

  • Once again a franchise that I've never really been a part of, however what was presented of this on stage looked freaking good. The visuals and the characters looked great and the gameplay appeared solid. I'm not entirely sold yet but that doesn't mean I couldn't be with a little more proof that this is a quality game.