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  • gamer_152 posted a new image.
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    Field Report V: Halo Infinite Two and a Half Years In

    Rank and FileBetween January and July, Infinite lost ~50% of its Steam players, bringing the population size down to just 2% of what it was at its peak. On the Xbox, the shooter is currently the 34th ...

  • gamer_152 posted a new image.
  • gamer_152 posted a new image.
  • gamer_152 posted a new image.
  • gamer_152 posted a new image.
  • gamer_152 posted a new image.
  • gamer_152 posted a new image.
  • gamer_152 posted a new image.
  • gamer_152 posted a new image.
  • gamer_152 posted a new image.
  • gamer_152 posted a new image.
  • gamer_152 posted a new blog.
    Not E3 2024: Nintendo

    I know I said that my last blog was my final word on 2024's ersatz E3, but as they say at these conferences, I do have one more thing. It's widely observed that not having to present at E3 has been a ...

  • gamer_152 posted a new image.
  • gamer_152 posted a new image.
  • gamer_152 posted a new image.
  • gamer_152 posted a new image.
  • gamer_152 posted a new blog.
    Not E3 2024: The Great Video Game Roundup

    Well, tarnation. We weren't expecting out-of-towners at the gamer ranch this weekend, but seein' as you came by, why don't you grab a rope, and we'll get to lassoin' the most fascinatin' games of Not ...

  • gamer_152 posted a new image.