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  • Efesell posted a message in the forum topic Xbox Has Unequivocally Won One Part Of The Hardware Wars: ~60% Of Game Controllers On Steam Are Xbox. on the PC board

    I mean for the longest time Xinput was the only way forward where you could just plug something in and it would simply Work, so it wouldn't surprise me if most people just used a variation of what th...

  • Efesell posted a message in the forum topic Cold Steel - Several Hundred Hours of Nothing at All. on the The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel board

    Rean just doesn’t have 4 games worth of protagonist in the tank and to be entirely fair I don’t know that any of his predecessors do either. He’s just unfortunately who we had to stress test.

  • Efesell posted a message in the forum topic Cold Steel - Several Hundred Hours of Nothing at All. on the The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel board

    I generally suggest that most people skip Sky and start at Zero and Azure. Those are the games where all of the never ending plotlines truly start and where you are most likely to be left in the dark ...

  • Efesell posted a message in the forum topic Cold Steel - Several Hundred Hours of Nothing at All. on the The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel board

    I am continually annoyed that I do not in fact dislike Rean all that much, he is generically likable and competent enough within his own story that I have never minded him but I could never confidentl...

  • Efesell posted a message in the forum topic The Game Pass Price Increase Is Here, And The Same Week MS Advertises "You Don’t Need An Xbox To Play Xbox". on the Xbox Game Pass board

    At least for me personally the way that I use Game Pass this is all still a totally great deal. Like I don't subscribe for a whole year and assume I'll definitely get a years worth out of it. I see an...

  • Efesell posted a message in the forum topic Dr. Disrespect Outed As A Potential Pedophile. on the General Discussion board

    @tartyron: Oh, it's not gross enough to make him go anywhere. The obvious next move is to just transition seamlessly over to the Alt-Right pipeline.

  • Efesell posted a message in the forum topic Dr. Disrespect Outed As A Potential Pedophile. on the General Discussion board

    Plus Doc is like 40 if he’s sexting an 18 year old fan for a meet up I’m still leading the charge of get him the fuck outta here.

  • Efesell posted a message in the forum topic Dr. Disrespect Outed As A Potential Pedophile. on the General Discussion board

    Personally “I sent inappropriate texts to a minor” is more than enough for a Well Fuck This Guy full stop. Everyone can have the talk of but where’s the evidence or what’s the full story but he has al...

  • Efesell posted a message in the forum topic A new DLC is coming. on the Elden Ring board

    I have not had time to prepare a character or even buy this yet but if nothing else I’m happy it has led to the tweet of the year.

  • Efesell posted a message in the forum topic Hey, look, Diablo 4 is better now. on the Diablo IV board

    @atheistpreacher: I mean I would generally have given them a pass and just accept that I'm playing a game that is mismatched for controller and move on....But it worked great in Diablo 3, a game that ...

  • Efesell posted a message in the forum topic Hey, look, Diablo 4 is better now. on the Diablo IV board

    The controller targeting in this game is still one of the great mysteries of the universe.Pointing camera at target, looking at target in the middle of the view, skill decides it really wants to fuck...

  • Efesell posted a message in the forum topic Hey, look, Diablo 4 is better now. on the Diablo IV board

    It's definitely a better season and I'm enjoying playing it but every time I start it up I get a few hours in and I just miss the... character of D3. Everyone and everything in this world is so godda...

  • Efesell posted a message in the forum topic Hades II Early Access Discussion. on the Hades II board

    Daedalus Upgrades seem a little uneventful now. Not ineffective mind you but a lot of weapon upgrades in Hades were very big changes to how the weapons worked and a lot of what I've seen are just sli...

  • Efesell posted a message in the forum topic Hades II Early Access Discussion. on the Hades II board

    I've been having a great time with it but definitely feeling like I'm flying through this initial content, which to be fair is not this games fault I may have played a little bit of Hades 1 in the pas...

  • Efesell posted a message in the forum topic Hades II Technical Test Field Report. on the Hades II board

    Played for like 5 hours yesterday, hit third area boss and got wrecked. Got all the initial weapons, love the sword/sickle.Mel is a very different vibe from Zagreus, but not in a bad way.Very positive...

  • Efesell posted a message in the forum topic Is "Winning the fight but then losing in a cutscene" the worst trope in gaming history?. on the General Discussion board

    Depends on how its framed, really.If the game just ignores that you won the fight and pretends it was a total one sided affair then yeah it's annoying. The more common example of just like the boss wa...

  • Efesell posted a message in the forum topic Stellar Made(Demo impressions). on the Stellar Blade board

    Apparently Stellar Blade, the savior from the tyranny of woke games, has betrayed the faithful and fallen by way of adding a nearly imperceptible amount of cloth to Eve's sexy leotard.I love video ga...

  • Efesell posted a message in the forum topic Stellar Made(Demo impressions). on the Stellar Blade board

    I suspect that in a few months this will be $40 and everyone will have found a different fake thing to yell about and I’ll load this up and have a fine time.

  • Efesell posted a message in the forum topic Stellar Made(Demo impressions). on the Stellar Blade board

    I mean this is Hyung Tae Kim I know their work im one of the 12 people who played Magna Carta so people act like this is some response to the current state of games but he’s Just Like This.@sethmode: ...