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Game of The Year 2023 Users Choice

Big games finally came out in 2023. I played them!

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  • It's comfort food and I like it for what it is. I played it twice through and will probably play it again later. Somehow it just worked for me.

  • Great reactivity, solid writing. I never finished it but intend on coming back to it someday.

  • I like that series. This is the classic sequel, just more of everything that was great in the first.

  • That one is better than people think. Great for fans of tactical gameplay.

  • Its cute and well made.

  • I wished it would be cloer to the original in gameplay, but I understand why they went in that direction, so that, at least, you feel like your runs improve the overall picture of your game a bit, even if you failed.

  • Should've been better than FarCrAvatar, but that's what we got. Still fun to run around though.

  • Its really not as bad as people said, but I guess we expected much more from them. The backlash killed that studio and we have to live with that now.

  • The production values are there, but I was bored to hell while playing.

  • Nice remake.