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Best of 2012

demonbear: Best of 2012

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  • A dream come true for a fan of the original X-COM like me. Firaxis made a fantastic game that I already finished twice and i know i'll be playing this for years to come.

  • The most intense experience I had in gaming in years, maybe ever. The writing is fantastic and there are true roleplaying moments in that game that RPG games should be looking at.

  • A fantastic improvement over the original, I had a blast with this game and I will play it again for sure.

  • The ending was fine, whatever people say. Its a great rpg and a fine conclusion to the Shepard saga.

  • The production values on that game are fantastic and it looks so great on the PC. It is, however, a AC game that takes few risks but man, is it fun to run around in that period of history.

  • Yes, a WoW expansion. I gotta admit i'm as surprised as you are but it is quality content added to an 8 year old mmo. It is very inspired, funny, and just fun.

  • Diablo 3 was a bit of a disappointment for me but I finished that game and I had fun playing it. It does not have the replayability of it's predecessor though.

  • Fantastic loot-driven game. A bit weak with the story but everything else is so great and with such a low price, how can you resist? A must for any pc owner out there.

  • More Borderlands, better writing, tighter gameplay and lots of content. What's not to love?

  • This game's got heart and deserved a better fate. It still should be played and enjoyed for what it is : A cool Fable-ish rpg.