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  • DarthOrange created a list GOTY 2024.
  • DarthOrange posted a new image.
  • DarthOrange created a list GOTY 2023.
  • DarthOrange posted a new image.
  • DarthOrange created a list GOTY 2021.
  • DarthOrange posted a new image.
  • DarthOrange posted a new image.
  • DarthOrange posted a message in the forum topic What was the first game you played in 2021?. on the General Discussion board

    Played some Smash Bros online and managed to get a win in my first match with Pokemon Trainer. That has to be a good sign right?

  • DarthOrange posted a message in the forum topic StarvingGamers Games Worth Starving For (or Otherwise) in 2020. on the General Discussion board

    I appreciated you delving into the problematic elements behind the development of The Last of Us and Cyberpunk. You spelled it all out for Cyberpunk so I'm not going to touch it. But Neil Druckmann h...

  • DarthOrange followed nadavis1 .
  • DarthOrange posted a message in the forum topic Three games that made me think about games a lot in 2020. on the General Discussion board

    Sorry your experience with Animal Crossing was tainted by people getting toxic. I have never played any of them but it seems strange people would get angry over a game that looks so peaceful.Also thi...

  • DarthOrange followed Superharman .
  • DarthOrange posted a message in the forum topic Game of the Year 2020. on the General Discussion board

    Everything I have read from random people online about Bugsnax makes it sound like a stupid meme game, so hearing that it has heart has raised some interest from me. Also Call of the Sea was not on m...

  • DarthOrange followed ronindrummer200 .
  • DarthOrange posted a message in the forum topic GOTY 2020 - A Return to Days of Yore. on the General Discussion board

    Awesome write up. Congrats on the house! Going stir crazy in a small apartment is no joke, I've been here since March. :(Treachery in Beatdown City looks like a game I totally would have loved. Good ...

  • DarthOrange posted a new blog.
    Games of the Year 2020 - DarthOrange Edition

    It has been a year. Like, on top of all the other craziness going on this year, I decided this was going to be the year I did the "52 games in one year" challenge. To add to that, I also decided I was...

  • DarthOrange posted a new image.
  • DarthOrange posted a new image.
  • DarthOrange posted a new image.