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Average score of 3 user reviews

The DLC pack for players who can't get enough. 0

To date, I've purchased all of the downloadable content for Fallout 3. As you can tell, I kinda love that game. But  that love didnt always exist. I put it down for a good 3 months after my original playthrough. Mostly because all I wanted to do is finish the main story and just keep playing. But instead, all I got to do when I beat the game was watch that lame 2 minute ending. It left a bad taste in my mouth and was why I left it alone for a while. But caught word of this new pack,  that elimin...

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Far Cry 2 tries to be a really great game, but falls a tad short. 0

For the longest time I had no real desire to buy this game. From the looks of screenshots and videos it just looked like another run of the mill shooter. And for the most part. It kind of is. The shooting isn't breaking any new ground, and isn't always the most satisfying. But what Far Cry 2 does have is a lot of "oh snap" moments. Whether it be blowing up a car and watching a raging inferno ravage the savannah or sneaking into a guard post and killing all the guards silently with your knife. Fa...

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Great Sequel to a Great Game 0

I couldn't wait for this game to get to the United States. I played the hell out of the first FFTA and did the same for this one. It has everything that was great about the first game and made it even better. More classes, more races, more items and more quests. The story is great too, and has a much more likeable maiin character this time around; Luso Clemens. Just like the first one he gets sent to Ivalice via a magical book and has to find his way back again. There are good supporting charact...

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