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  • csl316 posted a message in the forum topic What is Giant Bomb?. on the General Discussion board

    I guess I haven't really thought about it. Between GB and Nextlander and Jeff, there's always something to watch at any given time. In my mind, Giant Bomb now is a mix of all three of those channels. ...

  • csl316 posted a message on the post 849: Government-Mandated Mario.

    Game of skill.

  • csl316 posted a message on the post 847: The Old Castle.

    Past few weeks, premium audio hasn't been available in the drop down for some reason. Unless it's uploaded later?

  • csl316 posted a message on the post Breaking Brad: Volgarr the Viking: Part 04.

    Thanks for bringing me back, Volgarr II.

  • csl316 created a list 2023 Game of the Year.
  • csl316 posted a message in the forum topic It looks like new emulated PS2 classics are finally coming to PS4/5. on the PlayStation Network board

    I still feel like PS5 not having full backwards compatibility is a missed opportunity. I still have my Playstations (including a launch PS3), but would love having everything on one system. Its back...

  • csl316 posted a message on the post Mister Mosquito.

    Whirlyball is what you're looking for if you want a somewhat physical competition to take too seriously. It's bumber car lacrosse, basically, and anyone can play it. It rules.

  • csl316 posted a message on the post 840: Tom Braider.

    That's a really clever title, ngl.

  • csl316 posted a message on the post Grubbkatana 01.

    That magazine ad wasn't lying.

  • csl316 posted a message on the post Power Bombcast: Post Wrestlemania XL Reactions and Highlights.

    @jstaunton: It's possible to see a wrestling comment section and not try to make it negative.Yeah, the match was emotional and hard hitting.

  • csl316 posted a message on the post 835: Smack Blood Punch Wet.

    The random Spanish ads are back, baby. I don't see a premium download?

  • csl316 posted a message on the post Power Bombcast: Post Wrestlemania XL Reactions and Highlights.

    Bayley and Iyo was probably my favorite match. Snoop's nature documentary commentary is something every match could've used. Plus great stuff with Sami/Gunther.Take last year's night 1 and this year...

  • csl316 posted a message on the post Never Been a Better Beastcast! - PAX East 2024.

    Turns out you can have nostalgia for stuff from just a few years ago.

  • csl316 posted a message on the post 830: Muddy Buddies.

    Spanish ads on premium, that was confusing.

  • csl316 posted a message in the forum topic What was your last 4AM game?. on the General Discussion board

    SteamWorld Build. I didn't really like it much and almost uninstalled it. On my third attempt, though, it clicked and all of a sudden I needed a week to recover that lost sleep.

  • csl316 posted a message on the post Mario Maker!.

    1:27:55 for a Jan reaction GIF.

  • csl316 posted a message on the post 828: Like A Roll of Toilet Paper.

    Hope Jan comes back from his sickness without a Balatro addiciton.

  • csl316 posted a message in the forum topic The Community Spotlight 2024.02.03. on the General Discussion board

    Choose Your Blighter and the GB animated are incredible.

  • csl316 posted a message in the forum topic What do you do for fun outside of Videogames?. on the Off-Topic board

    Lots of music stuff (Chris LT on Youtube). But I also like to exercise, movies and TV, hanging out with friends, reading. Basically the same stuff I've always done. Loading Video...

  • csl316 posted a message in the forum topic The Community Spotlight 2024.01.20. on the General Discussion board

    If people wanna hear about hunkin', Imma rhyme about hunkin'. If people wanna hear about space, Imma rhyme about Plu-to.