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  • Catlicker posted a message on the post 0047: Battle Arena Toshinden 2 & Street Fighter II.

    If only there was somebody who cared about Science nowadays!!

  • Catlicker posted a message on the post Nintendo Direct 06/18/24.


  • Catlicker posted a message on the post Never Been a Better Beastcast! - PAX East 2024.

    Goddamn I love these guys from the Beastcast. Dunno about this CNET guy though.But for real, I hope Bakalar kept my Paella recipe postcard!

  • Catlicker posted a message in the forum topic Will we (I) inevitably become nostalgic over every era of gaming even if we (I) didn't love it at the time?. on the General Discussion board

    Unironically, I tie the PS4 + Xbox One era (including its pre-launch year) with my experience with Giant Bomb. I joined this site in 2011 and I could say that I fell off of it around the pandemic, so...

  • Catlicker posted a message on the post Catch Me if You Dan.

    This is the best thing GB has done in a while. Nice stuff.

  • Catlicker posted a message in the forum topic Ryan Davis, 1979 - 2013. on the Ryan Davis board

    I truly wonder what would he be doing these days, with everything that changed not only in this site, but in the world as well. He would probably be making me smile with his content, whatever it may b...

  • Catlicker posted a message in the forum topic Ryan Davis, 1979 - 2013. on the Ryan Davis board

    Found myself coming back to this article not sure why. After all these years, and still missed. Almost ten years gone. You're not forgotten.

  • Catlicker posted a message on the post Connectivity Compadres: Four Swords Fiesta 02.

    This feature rules and I expect it to continue with other games in the future.

  • Catlicker posted a message in the forum topic The Community Spotlight 2023.04.15. on the General Discussion board

    Somehow, the Community Spotlight provides comfort to my Sundays every week. Well done sir.

  • Catlicker posted a message on the post 64.

    They are welcome to this site anytime!

  • Catlicker posted a message in the forum topic Let's send Rorie off in styyyyyle. on the Off-Topic board

    I don't know why, but the first memory that came to mind is an UPF where when the show was about to end and the energy kinda drained out, he spurred out of blue "I'm gonna go masturbate".Golden. Just ...

  • Catlicker posted a message in the forum topic The Community Spotlight 2023.03.18. on the General Discussion board


  • Catlicker posted a message on the post 780: Matt Rorie's Alpha Protocol.

    R <>

  • Catlicker posted a message in the forum topic Should the GB creators start a new way of providing content?. on the General Discussion board

    I understand that an initiative similar to this can only happen when there's nothing to lose, kind of like when this site was born. I know that's not the case right now (at least for all involved, I d...

  • Catlicker posted a message on the post What's Happening On Giant Bomb: Week Of 1/30/23.

    Thanks Rorie!! Keep 'em coming!

  • Catlicker posted a message on the post 773: Weird Jesus Vibes.

    I just don't know what to say. I don't know if I expected this podcast to be dedicated to the history of GB, a recognition of the work the missing people have done, a full e-mail podcast or an effin' ...

  • Catlicker posted a message in the forum topic Jess and Jason have been laid off (Updated). on the General Discussion board

    That's it. It really, really makes me want to scream "I'm out". Jess was the new blood that was supposed to carry the torch, and Jason's Ranking of Fighters still to this day is one of the best classi...

  • Catlicker posted a message on the post UPF - 01/06/23.

    Nextlander playing The Professional was also a blast. We need more crossover shows here. :)

  • Catlicker posted a message on the post 221: Who cares? Popcorn!.

    The whole stream was the Best of GB, at least of this iteration. Great synergy there!

  • Catlicker posted a message on the post ALBUMMER! 61: Metallica's "Death Magnetic".

    I remember downloading this album and giving it a listen while commenting each track with my longtime highschool friend I discovered Metallica with. Each song reminds me of another Metallica song, but...