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  • Brad posted a new image.
  • Brad posted a new image.
  • Brad posted a new image.
  • Brad posted a new image.
  • Brad posted a new image.
  • Brad posted a new image.
  • Brad posted a message on the post Pac-Man 99.

    @devitiffany: Unsurprisingly, I would play the hell out of this.

  • Brad posted a new image.
  • Brad posted a new image.
  • Brad posted a new image.
  • Brad posted a new image.
  • Brad posted a new image.
  • Brad posted a new image.
  • Brad posted a new image.
  • Brad posted a new image.
  • Brad posted a new image.
  • Brad posted a new image.
  • Brad posted a message on the post A Relaxed Valheim Stream - 02/19/21.

    @yabbering_yeti said:@bladeofcreation: That quality is what they are aiming for. They are going for an early 3D game, without texture filtering, look. It looks weird when it's combined with more mode...

  • Brad posted a message on the post The Hitmazing Race.

    @baillie: Pretty sure it's due to packet loss, but the problem is a bit tricky to troubleshoot the way we're sending these feeds to Jan.

  • Brad posted a message on the post The HotSpot - Episode 394.

    @adamcboyd said: @vinny The PS4 camera is stereoscopic. The PS5 is not. (As far as I know). I offered to send @brad a headset but he said he has a WMR one which made me cringe quietly. They are very...