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  • borgmaster posted a message in the forum topic What is Giant Bomb?. on the General Discussion board

    It's a website about video games. **Note: format and quality may vary.

  • borgmaster posted a message in the forum topic Trying Zenless Zone Zero reminded me that gacha mechanics are only for whales. Promoting these games is sleazy.. on the Zenless Zone Zero board

    @bigsocrates: (I'm adding to the argument not going after you specifically)Hoyo knows how to cultivate horndogs with their characters. The base designs are sexualized just enough to hint at titillatio...

  • borgmaster posted a message in the forum topic It's maddening how much "anti-woke" stuff gets shoved down your throat trying to engage with gaming discourse. on the Off-Topic board

    Can't even be woke anymore, because of woke. Anyway, video gaming and most nerd hobbies as a whole have been rife with toxic bigotry since the beginning. The gamergate chuds noticeably frothed up bec...

  • borgmaster posted a new blog.
    All 3DO Games (Kinda) In Order: 1994 (Part 09)

    An explanation of what's going on here can be found in the intro post.Last time we continued with the PS1 in August 1996 when we looked at Tecmo Super Bowl, Madden NFL '97, Jumping Flash! 2, and Alone...

  • borgmaster posted a new image.
  • borgmaster posted a new image.
  • borgmaster posted a new image.
  • borgmaster posted a new image.
  • borgmaster posted a new image.
  • borgmaster posted a new image.
  • borgmaster posted a new image.
  • borgmaster posted a new image.
  • borgmaster posted a new image.
  • borgmaster posted a new image.
  • borgmaster posted a new image.
  • borgmaster posted a new image.
  • borgmaster posted a new blog.
    All PS1 Games In Order: Part 031

    An explanation of what we're doing here can be found in the introduction post.Last time, we passed through a hell of our own making (aka 1994) with Gridders, Guardian War, Hell: A Cyberpunk Thriller, ...

  • borgmaster posted a new image.
  • borgmaster posted a new image.
  • borgmaster posted a new image.