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  • BeachThunder posted a new image.
  • BeachThunder posted a new image.
  • BeachThunder posted a new image.
  • BeachThunder posted a new image.
  • BeachThunder posted a new image.
  • BeachThunder posted a message in the forum topic PC Screenshot thread. on the PC board


  • BeachThunder posted a new image.
  • BeachThunder posted a new image.
  • BeachThunder posted a new image.
  • BeachThunder posted a message in the forum topic Three Months In, What's Your Game of the Year 2023?. on the General Discussion board

    I haven't really played anything from this year...I kinda got caught up with Doom mapping. The only thing I played to completion was Missing Hiker, which is less than half an hour long and kinda ehhhh...

  • BeachThunder posted a message on the post UPF 03/17/23.

    Gonna miss you and your wild antics, Rorie o7

  • BeachThunder posted a message in the forum topic Quest for The Worst Adventure Game SPECIAL: Let's Talk About Every Free Adventure Game On GOG (Part 2: The Classics). on the General Discussion board

    Gog definitely has some pretty great free stuff.I managed to get Dragonsphere when it was free. It was a lot better than I was anticipating. It's kind of a shame that it's no longer free - although, i...

  • BeachThunder posted a new image.