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  • AtheistPreacher posted a message in the forum topic A new DLC is coming. on the Elden Ring board

    @ares42 said: My overall feeling playing the DLC was "This sure is more Elden Ring". Which when you consider how excrusiatingly long the base game is makes you wonder why we needed this at all. I'm su...

  • AtheistPreacher posted a message in the forum topic A new DLC is coming. on the Elden Ring board

    @notkcots: I definitely agree with some of your criticisms, not so much on others.The scadutree fragment system does feel like a failed experiment. It incentivized scouring the map for fragments while...

  • AtheistPreacher posted a message in the forum topic Satya Nadella's Vision For The Future Is Blowing Up While Phil Spencer Takes The Most Embarrassing Victory Lap. on the General Discussion board

    @zombiepie said: We have been talking a lot about Satya Nadella, but today, I want to introduce a name you will likely see a lot of in the coming years. Mustafa Suleyman is Microsoft's AI boss, and he...

  • AtheistPreacher posted a message in the forum topic Heads Up Folks: GB Uploaded Metal Gear Scanlon to YouTube For Your Viewing Pleasure. on the General Discussion board

    In all seriousness, why combine the videos before uploading? I don't get it. Wouldn't it have both been easier to simply upload the separate videos as they were, and also be better for ad revenue and ...

  • AtheistPreacher posted a message in the forum topic A new DLC is coming. on the Elden Ring board

    @nodima: So, one specific tip on Messmer. I found a gold NPC summon sign inside the room near the entrance on the right side that I had no idea was there until I walked over it. I don't know if I did ...

  • AtheistPreacher posted a message in the forum topic A new DLC is coming. on the Elden Ring board

    @nodima said: Yea, they’re just too randomly placed, I’m glad they’ve essentially beefed up the ones you’re most likely to find as someone who’s stuck on the Shadow Keep’s pair of bosses (the optional...

  • AtheistPreacher posted a message in the forum topic A new DLC is coming. on the Elden Ring board

    @shindig: I don't mind the map, it's enough that it's pretty, I don't think it needs to be super dense. E.g. there are a lot less of those little mini-dungeons but there were too many samey ones in th...

  • AtheistPreacher posted a message in the forum topic A new DLC is coming. on the Elden Ring board

    Hah, well, I post about how exactly the Scadutree blessing works and immediately they change it: the earlier levels co...

  • AtheistPreacher posted a message in the forum topic A new DLC is coming. on the Elden Ring board

    @ares42 said:Any idea how the damage scaling works for spells ? I would assume it's the same ?That's what I assume, but I can't actually be sure because those yellow numbers in the status screen only...

  • AtheistPreacher posted a message in the forum topic A new DLC is coming. on the Elden Ring board

    Well, I've just finished collecting all of the Scadutree Fragments to max my blessing at 20. Having done that, I have some concrete info about what the blessings are actually doing, because when I sta...

  • AtheistPreacher posted a message in the forum topic A new DLC is coming. on the Elden Ring board

    @shindig said: Well, I made it to the boss of that area with 112k runes on me. I actually enjoyed the climb. There's a real element of risk to it and most of the enemies are doable. You just have to b...

  • AtheistPreacher posted a message in the forum topic A new DLC is coming. on the Elden Ring board

    @shindig said: Well, I'm in. I cheesed Naill with arrows and then battered Mohg with my Mimic buddy. I got bored with grinding so I've entered the DLC at 109.That number might still seem low but, with...

  • AtheistPreacher posted a message in the forum topic A new DLC is coming. on the Elden Ring board

    Geez. While I haven't had too much trouble clearing most of the content with my absurdly over-leveled character, there are a couple of bosses, SPOILER , that are just absolutely destroying me. My Sca...

  • AtheistPreacher posted a message in the forum topic A new DLC is coming. on the Elden Ring board

    @nodima said: but I'm in a NG+ save and I remember Old Hunters, content in which I found all five bosses absolutely unbeatable, being historically renowned for being a complete kick in the dick if you...

  • AtheistPreacher posted a message in the forum topic A new DLC is coming. on the Elden Ring board

    Well I guess we needn't have worried about the beefiness of this DLC.Also, wow, the patch that just dropped for the DLC launch tonight finally makes it so that you can ride Torrent during the Elden Be...

  • AtheistPreacher posted a message in the forum topic Dread Delusion and choice. on the Dread Delusion Forum board

    I've had this game on my radar solely because it's a King's Field-like, and I'm obsessed with King's Field. At this point I've played Lunacid, which I enjoyed, and whose developer apparently got contr...

  • AtheistPreacher posted a message in the forum topic Every Trailer From Sony's May State Of Play: What Impressed You? How Would You Rank It Overall?. on the Sony Corporation board

    I'm a Monster Hunter die-hard so I'm sure I'll buy that next one, but I do hope that some of the ridiculously drawn-out endgame grind from Sunbreak will get seriously toned down.I've been known to lik...

  • AtheistPreacher posted a new image.
  • AtheistPreacher posted a new image.
  • AtheistPreacher posted a new image.