Whats the often fastest you've been sold on a game/movie/etc that you knew little about then loved, when engaging with it?

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Poll Whats the often fastest you've been sold on a game/movie/etc that you knew little about then loved, when engaging with it? (8 votes)

The pitch 38%
The premise 13%
The hook 13%
The twist 13%
The spoilers 0%
The trailer 25%
The fans 13%
The haters 25%
The advertising 0%
The ubiquitous culture/FOMO (FINE I'LL WATCH/PLAY/READ IT!!! UGH) 0%
Others 0%
None of the above 13%

Basically, what made you go from 0 interest to okay...then loving it when you tried it. This isn't specifically games. It's all media. The best example for society I can think of is the modern take on the Barbie movie. Before release, people claimed it looked like trash and the YouTubers who gain money on hate were ready to downpour.

Then it did well and people were madder that it had something to say past just a money grab. Maybe that's just the people I saw online though.

Or Dark Souls vets who thought Elden Ring was the same old but open world. Or GTA Online was a failure at launch and would never succeed. Tons of stuff hooked people later with something…possibly fans saying no it's actually good? So, what's your point where you switched and tried something then went...that's actually what I like :)?

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The often fastest? I don't understand how speed is relevant to the poll options you provided.

It seems like you're trying to ask, what is something you didn't have an interest in and then gained an interest?

I had no interest in Overwatch and then after trying it thought it was quite fun. I'm sure I have a better example, but I also don't quite know if this is what you're asking to begin with.

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#2  Edited By chamurai

I guess since I've participated in a few Kickstarters I voted for 'The Pitch'. My favorite Kickstarter I backed was also my first: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/manos/manos-the-restoration/description

I was in a big shitty movie kick so when I saw that someone had found a film reel of Manos: The Hands of Fate and was pitching to make 4k blu-rays of it I was all in. I got a sweet T-shirt and, of course, the Blu-ray.

I've backed a few vdeo game kickstarters and got the games but by the time the games came my enthusiasm had waned and they're just sitting there in my Steam library picking up e-dust.

Edit: Ok, so I DID know about Manos so it might not count. But the video game Kickstarters still count so no take backs!

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hmm not sure i fully understand the question, but word-of-mouth and/or trailers are the two contact points that cement my interest.

everything else is just noise. i think we've maxed out IP utilization such that there isn't a blessed property left that a pitch or fandom does much to influence me.

ps: as someone who likes From games (and will be playing Erdtree this week)- Elden Ring absolutely is just Dark Souls in an open world. they have new riffs, but they're playing the hits.

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Not sure if I quite understand the question, but maybe Mirror's Edge. I had been playing the Prince of Persias, and it looked kinda like that in first-person.

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#5 AV_Gamer  Online

Something I knew little about, until I saw or heard something that instantly sold me on getting it? I would say Haters, in the form of Assassin's Creed Origins. I thought I was burned out on those games, so I didn't pay much attention to it. But after haters are online started to complain about the main character Bayek for being a protagonist of color, I was sold on giving it a try. Glad I did, because it's one of the best AssCreed games in the series.

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BG3 for me. Had zero interest it until seeing the crew and others play it just ahead of release.

When I went to go buy it on Steam, I was confused that it wasn't on the front page despite its popularity, only to realize it was because I had marked it as "ignore this" at some point earlier (and that's not even something I do that often). I now have 300+ hrs in it after two playthroughs, and will probably come back to do a third at some point.

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@knaws said:

BG3 for me. Had zero interest it until seeing the crew and others play it just ahead of release.

When I went to go buy it on Steam, I was confused that it wasn't on the front page despite its popularity, only to realize it was because I had marked it as "ignore this" at some point earlier (and that's not even something I do that often). I now have 300+ hrs in it after two playthroughs, and will probably come back to do a third at some point.

This is the one for me too. I didn't even know it existed then it suddenly showed up on Nextlander's schedule. Vinny and Dave Snider did a stream of the early access version a couple months before release and like 20 minutes into that stream I had already decided I needed to play BG3 once it was released. Seeing a couple more streams of it at release convinced me to buy it then instead of waiting for a sale like I normally do.

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I loved games but I didn't have magazines growing up and I just found out about games thru friends. Like I didn't know what StarCraft was but instantly fell in love w it when I saw a friend play it. Didn't know about MGS and actually found out about MGS2 from the same person and it completely blew me away. Basically all the stuff that are my childhood friends I went from knowing basically nothing about it to being in love w it like Pokemon.

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not sure how to answer the poll but one of the first things that comes to mind is when GB did a QL of Yakuza 0 way back when. I had touched a Yakuza game before but only briefly and seeing that video was like--holy shit. Playing Y0 totally reinvigorated me.

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Been trying to think of an answer but i think i'm cursed with knowing what i like and never really being surprised, i can't think of anything i went into not knowing exactly how i'll feel about it.

I guess....... Band of Brothers? I had only recently got a tv in my bedroom and was flicking around before going to sleep and came across this thing that was Saving Private Ryan but not, like a Private Ryan expansion pack, because of that movie quality i was instantly in love with it there was nothing else like it on tv, but if i'd learned about it before hand i'd have known exactly what i was getting into.

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@sethmode said:

The often fastest? I don't understand how speed is relevant to the poll options you provided.

It seems like you're trying to ask, what is something you didn't have an interest in and then gained an interest?

I had no interest in Overwatch and then after trying it thought it was quite fun. I'm sure I have a better example, but I also don't quite know if this is what you're asking to begin with.

Sorry I had trouble explaining my point. English is not my first language but you got exactly what i meant. Thanks for the answer. I agree Overwatch also looked ehh to me then i spent 100+ with it. Lol. the pitch didnt work for you so i hope you picked fans or culture.

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I don't know, I tend to watch videos / listen to podcast about any games or movies before I consume it. I guess I came around to BG3 pretty quick as well (after said videos/podcasts) but then I was a big fan of the previous BG games as well, and just had lost interest in the sequel at some point.

With music, on the other hand, I find I can instantly get hooked and quickly become obsessive without knowing anything about an artist before. This happened to me with Regina Spektor, Caravan Palace, and Dobet Gnahore, to take three random examples.

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#14  Edited By Lylinsac

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hmm not sure i fully understand the question, but word-of-mouth and/or trailers are the two contact points that cement my interest.

everything else is just noise. i think we've maxed out IP utilization such that there isn't a blessed property left that a pitch or fandom does much to influence me.

ps: as someone who likes From games (and will be playing Erdtree this week)- Elden Ring absolutely is just Dark Souls in an open world. they have new riffs, but they're playing the hits.

I feel like people who somehow think elden ring is just DS even after the dlc are like people who think bloodborne and sekiro are the same all souls...I feel like if elden ring was pushed from nintendo people would notice more how it's not the same. There's a reason people who hate souls like elden ring and it's not just difficulty or open world since they can get lost less in a straight forward game. After playing it elden ring is just better on a basic level of ease for general people. It's like comparing dark souls 1 to 2...both good but there's a reason people prefer 1 even when 2 has more stuff.

Anyway your take that word of mouth matters most is interesting given a lot online now use influencers to promote vs the critics who technically arent paid (i guess influencers arent either legally) when they review and people think their not telling the truth for profit lol. From giantbomb we know there isn't enough push that can persuade a critic often...and no critic is the be all take on a thing.

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I feel like people who somehow think elden ring is just DS even after the dlc are like people who think bloodborne and sekiro are the same all souls...

hi, hello. it's me- i'm that guy : )

and yes- i can recognize i'm being reductionist and perhaps flip. but as a person who's played and thoroughly enjoyed Demon's, DS, DS2, Bloodborne, Sekiro, ER, and now Erdtree...i still kinda think they're all broadly the same game. variations on a theme for sure- and they all have their unique bits- but in general i think people overemphasize the differences when it comes to the From souls-games. i'd almost argue the aesthetic and stylistic differences are more significant than the mechanical ones. but that's an internet barfight for another time...

From giantbomb we know there isn't enough push that can persuade a critic often...and no critic is the be all take on a thing.

it's true! which is why i try to find critics with an approach and attitude that matches my own. some people just prioritize fun (the Ryckert School)- and others are more interested in narrative (the Caravella Doctrine). aligning myself with someone who likes different things but comes at them with from the same angle is where i typically find the most solid recommendations. and i suppose that's what i meant by 'word-of-mouth.'