Professional Services

Solutions built by experts

If you know what you need, but need help building it, we offer professional services on the Business and Enterprise plans. Let Grist experts build your solution quickly.

Here’s how it works


Schedule free consultation
We’ll discuss your use case, identify workflow pain points, and determine the best solution in Grist.


Get matched with a Grist expert
We’ll match you with a Grist expert, either in-house or from our network of Grist consultants who work closely with us.


Select proposal
The Grist expert will offer a few proposals. They can build as much or as little as you need to fit your budget.


Build with experts
Work closely with the Grist expert to get to your solution quickly with regular check-in and revision calls.

Fill out the form or email

“We’ve been using Grist for almost a year now to keep track of our staff, enrollments, and payments. All the features have been a lifesaver! We have been able to organize and refine our data entry smoothly and look forward to the new features to come.”

Diana Sandil
Home School Coaches

“If people spend some time learning a new tool they’ll have more power to do their work and research. I said to one of my students, ‘You will be very very happy using Grist because you are miserable using Excel!'”

Eduardo Dalcin, Ph.D.
Biodiversity Informatics Expert

“Grist has given us incredible flexibility to solve data problems and find solutions, whether it is for a small team at the district, or at scale with the entire district staff. We’re really excited about the different ways we can use it going forward.”

Director of Product
EdTech Company

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a subscription requirement?

Yes, professional services require subscribing to either the Business or Enterprise plans.

What is the cost of a typical project?

Grist is fast to build in, especially for Grist experts. The time depends, of course, on the complexity of the requirements, but typical projects to build documents take under 40 hours of work. Rates depend on the type and scope of services, and for in-house experts, range from $140/hr for assistance in setting up documents to $200/hr for custom development and advanced technical support. Consultants from our network may offer different rates.

Take control of your data

Unlock your data’s true potential with the better spreadsheet