Privacy Policy

Effective Date: April 1, 2019

Thank you for visiting Grist Labs and using our products and services. This policy sets out our privacy practices and explains how we handle the information we collect when you visit and use our websites, products, and services (“Services”).

What information we collect

For visitors to our websites, we may collect information about what pages you access and when, information about how you access (such as device or browser type), other non-identifying information commonly made available by web browsers and servers (such as referring site), and information you choose to submit or send to us (such as name and email address used to register or communicate with us).

When you use our Services, we may collect and store your Internet Protocol (IP) address. We may use this information to fight spam and other abuse; to personalize our Services; or to generate aggregate, non-identifying information about how people use our Services.

We may use cookies and similar technologies such as pixel tags and local storage to recognize you when you return to our Services. We use them in various ways, for example to log you in, remember your preferences, evaluate email effectiveness, and personalize information. Some third-party services that we use may place their own cookies in your browser.

For Services that require you to create an account and/or download our software, we may collect and associate with your account information such as your name, email address, phone number, payment info, physical address, and account activity. Some of our Services also let you access your accounts with other service providers and we collect information required to establish those connections.

Some of our Services may collect additional information necessary to provide, improve and protect those Services. Typically, this would include information for the purposes of (1) updating the Service; (2) sending error reports; and (3) sending anonymized usage data. What information is collected and instructions on how to opt out of such information (where available) is detailed in the applicable License Agreements for those Services.

With whom do we share it

We may share information as discussed below, but we won’t sell it to advertisers or other third parties.

We may share your personal information with third parties in limited circumstances, including: (1) with your consent; (2) to a vendor or partner who meets our data protection standards; (3) as required by law, such as pursuant to a subpoena or other legal process; (4) to prevent fraud or abuse of our Services or our users or to protect Grist Labs’ property rights.

Some of our Services that allow sharing or collaboration with others may display information like your name, profile picture, and email address to other users for such purposes as discovery, inviting users to collaborate, or displaying notifications. When using sharing or collaboration features, the data being shared will be available to other users in accordance with configured Sharing Preferences.

Where do we store it

We rely on third-party vendors and hosting partners, such as Amazon, Google, and MailChimp, to provide hardware, software, networking, storage, and other services and technology to run our Services. Information may be stored, processed, and transmitted in the United States and locations around the world—including those outside your country. Information may also be stored locally on the devices you use to access the Services.

How do we protect it

We take great care to ensure that no personally identifiable information is transmitted unencrypted to and from our services. However, no data transmission over the Internet is 100% secure, so we can’t guarantee security and your use of our Services is at your own risk.

Changes to this Policy

Grist Labs may periodically revise this Policy and update the current version on our website. We will notify you about significant changes to it.

If we merge with another company such that your personal information will become subject to a different privacy policy, we’ll notify you before the transfer and explain your options.

Contact information

We welcome questions, concerns, and feedback about this Policy at