
Spreadsheet tech done right

Grist is an open-source spreadsheet with database powers. It combines technologies in ways that make developers and their teams wonder how they survived without it.

Grist belongs in your toolbox

Built-in drag-and-drop dashboards, support for custom-coded views, Python formulas, and more.

A spreadsheet as structured as a database


Easily input data in a familiar spreadsheet UI, all while maintaining a relational SQLite file.


Link data visually in productive layouts that streamline your team’s workflows.


No prior database experience? Grist’s user-friendly interface makes learning easy and intuitive.

Python formulas + Excel-like functions


Grist’s formula language is Python – a data scientist favorite with a robust library and intuitive syntax.


Don’t know Python? The internet is ready to teach you, as is our community.


Got SUM() and AVERAGE() in muscle memory? We’ve got you; use many Excel-style functions.

Take your data everywhere


Download Grist spreadsheets as SQLite files — a widely-used database, favored even by the US Library of Congress!


Use Grist everywhere: as a hosted service, in corporate networks, old desktops, CI tests, open-source projects, or even CDN-backed websites viewed by millions!


Use the Grist CSV Viewer to let your users preview and interact with CSV files hosted on your website, without downloading them.


Data portability and autonomy is in our open source DNA. Harness Grist’s power to build bespoke solutions for your team.

Collaborate on your data your way


Write custom widgets in HTML/CSS/JS to suit your team’s needs.


Share one copy of data with granular permissions, controlling read/write access down to each cell.


Build custom data views with standard widgets, including Grist calendar.


Set rules by role, limiting who can see what, from CEO to intern.

More features


Version control and backups
Developers used to git will enjoy the ability to do three-way comparisons and find common ancestors.


A powerful API
Access and edit your data and the structure of your spreadsheets, workspaces, and sites. 


Incremental imports
Grist lets you import data, then import the next version of it in a sensible way. 


Grist in action

Expense Tracking for Teams

Streamline expenses management by allowing employees to edit their own expenses, while protecting sensitive data.

View Template

Digital Sales CRM

Track sales of digital products (courses, e-books, etc.) and generate revenue summaries by product or customer.

View Template

Time Tracking + Invoicing

Track billable hours and generate invoices in this streamlined template.

View Template

The more I use Grist, the more I LOVE it. I have been surveying self-hosted database GUI tools, and I was consistently disappointed with their shortcomings or bugginess. Grist is the first to have tilted the balance the other way.

Stephen S.

Publications, Personal City Guides

“Grist has given us incredible flexibility to solve data problems and find solutions, whether it is for a small team at the district, or at scale with the entire district staff. We’re really excited about the different ways we can use it going forward.”

Director of Product
EdTech Company

Take control of your data

Unlock your data’s true potential with the better spreadsheet