Grist Forms

Build forms and surveys in minutes, share them with a click, and analyze the data live.

The easiest way to get data



Create simple and effective form layouts in a full-featured visual editor, right from your spreadsheet.

  • Map existing columns to fields in a single click
  • WYSIWYG, drag-and-drop interface
  • Full Markdown support



With a single click, share your form with the world. Data will appear in your document in real-time.

  • Copy/paste link sharing
  • Preview, publish in an instant
  • Unpublish at any time



Watch the data roll right into your Grist document, and work with it in a full-featured spreadsheet/database hybrid.

  • Real time data collection
  • Dynamic dashboards and charts
  • Python-powered and AI-assisted formulas

Make a form!

Create an account for free and start using forms instantly.

Why Grist?

Beyond the Grid

The evolution of spreadsheets

Grist’s unique design combines the best parts of a spreadsheet, a database, and a no-code app-builder.

When creating your form, you’re also creating a structure that will help you analyze and organize your data.


Work together

Once you’ve collected your data, Grist lets you collaborate with confidence and peace of mind using a unique system of granular data permissions.

Whether collecting RSVPs or quantitative research surveys, Grist has the flexibility to enable unprecedented collaboration, even on sensitive data.


Your data, always

Grist’s open source commitment and emphasis on data portability means that the data you collect via forms stays with you.

Try it now!

Sign up for free and use Grist Forms – available now.