One of the best series of all the time

User Rating: 10 | Halo: The Master Chief Collection XONE

The best remastered collection out there so far. I completed the all four games' campaign in a week, I couldn't really stop playing it. The first Halo I played was the third when the 360 was released, I really liked it so much, afterward I played all the upcoming Halo, playing for first time Halo CE when It was released for 360 (remastered version). I really liked all the halo I played at each time, however...

...when they are played in order of releasing (I mean, first the one, then two...), the experience is totally different in a good way getting more involve in Master Chief - Cortana characters as well as Halo universe.

I really recommend to buy this game and playing and keeping it as a private collection among with your X1.

My comments for each Halo are:

Halo 1:

360 remastered version, just upscale to 1080 60p. Same experience when I played it in the 360.

Halo 2:

Cinematic was severely improved, it was totally redone. Spectaculars videos. Graphics were improved, good effects, 1080 60p, however, it keeps the square scenarios. Story is the most important part furthermore.

Halo 3:

This one was which impressed me the least. Minor changes when compared to the version launch for 360. Very minor changes (lighting and resolution).

Halo 4:

I completed this game a year ago on 360 when launched, at that time the graphics impressed me a lot. Now, for X1, it looks even better. IMO, this Halo is the best of all. I understand that Halo 1 was all about the story. However, this one was everything well done: last gen graphics and effects, great story, great characters movements and relationship.

What I liked most about Halo is the soundtrack, how the music behind the game makes the experience more enrich. Halo 4 missed the masterpiece soundtrack, however, it was good enough.

Now, I am waiting for Halo 5... If Halo 4 impressed me a lot, can't imagine Halo 5 would be liked.

I recommend to play this game for all of those who has a X1. Most have. Most play.

I couldn't try the multiplayer since Xlive and PSN were hacked (incredible this thing happened).