Just no.

User Rating: 5 | Tekken 8 PC

I like games with realism of combat, hit connection and fluidity of gameplay that feel like a kung-fu dance with all its beauty. There must be a certain correct speed and physics in character moves to get that, if you know what I mean. I don't like/need for a cryptic button sequences, high/low punches and kicks with few simple directional variations are all I want, that with realism of actual combat and beauty of the fighting style means everything to me. Commodore64 fighting games were more realistic than this.

Tekken series, just like Soul Calibur and few others were pretty innovative in this area, I used to love them. But this latest game feel like a marvel movies. AAA production blockbuster with shallow gameplay, relying on effects, slowdowns, interruptions and unpredictability of user input vs output, boosted with "cool tricks" and killer effects, exactly what I hate in fighting games. In story final boss just doesn't know when to die, you're fighting him for like 10+ times at the end and this reflect whole game's direction.

Also wait until you see characters in the story talking to each other with their own language. German guy will say something to another person in german and he will reply to him in Japanese, then third guy join and start talking to them in French etc. Incredibly cringe. Multiple lang. culture would actually be great thing, but it would need to be executed properly. For example 2 people from same country could talk to each other in their own lang., but then use english to talk to other people and so on.

All flash no substance tricks and certainly not realistic combat. Its just not what I look for in these games, sorry.