Very high quality realistic action, plot game and smart enough (plausible, fair, not based in a stupid way on replay)

User Rating: 10 | Resident Evil 4 PC

Very high quality realistic action, plot game, third-person shooter and smart enough (plausible, fair, not based in a stupid way on replay and heal potions but on player skills) on normal difficulty - control, combat, tasty puzzles and game process, unlike hardcore difficulty. 10 out of 10 despite the fact that there are different problems that i write about because this game is rare. Plus, many give ratings that are not objectively inflated, and this is unfair to games like this.

The graphics are no better than the previous ones, but the optimization is poor and unreasonably demanding, dlss and fsr are not real, they make the graphics worse. Why do I need dlss, fsr if I can reduce the resolution? There's no difference.

Interesting plot, dramatic, quality cinematic action and thriller. Interesting characters especially Leon and Ashley with good qualities. And action. The "Separate Ways" too, it's very good that they made it.


Realistic quality controls - I played with xbox series x and PS5 gamepads but the cursor, aim is better in Remnant 2, Capcom confuses the challenge with the correctness of the game, like many other developers. Unfortunately, not everything has a law; a broken game cannot be sold. If a developer wants to make a moronic schizophrenic cursor, then add a normal cursor option in addition, what’s the problem?

There are disadvantages that are repeated in Resident Evil - not taking damage fairly, the player reacts and the character is slow or the ballistics are too high, moronic cursor, aim. You can't dodge, only sometimes and the qte is too quickly, crooked, you can't push the enemy away or kick him, and you can't run away because you're too slow and take damage, you can only parry some attacks sometimes, when an enemy grabs you you take damage. That is, you cannot do basic actions and you are too slow, it's implausible, it kills the interest. A real person moves faster, he can do whatever he wants and climb everything. And so the battle feels very poor, stupid and not natural. The normal difficulty doesn't solve the problems of implausibility, unfair taking of damage, etc but you can beat the game almost without replay (dying) and the realism, plausibility is not broken. The enemy almost never even reacts to being shot in the head and continues to attack. On hardcore you endlessly replay because there are many mobs, they are fast, the location is small, you can't run, you can't kick, you can't dodge, you need to reload and you take damage and die unfairly - this is implausible, it kills the interest. And for half the game you have to break boxes and collect cartridges. Moreover, the loot is not collected immediately, there is a delay of about a second. After recharging ammo, for example, you can’t do anything except walk for about 2 seconds, what is this? Character's autism?

And there are still many such delays and stupidities, in the game and in the menu. The collected item constantly pops up on the screen, this is very annoying.. Read the notes. This is very stupid. Stupid inventory, crafting, selling items, this is very off topic. There is NG+ but you will still collect cartridges, there is no opportunity, like in the Village, to purchase endless cartridges for earned points, there is no opportunity to enjoy the machine gun. The challenges are inadequate, it is impossible to open many skins and other bonuses. One very big disadvantage in this game is that when the enemy is close and you aim point-blank at him, the bullets don’t hit him, bullets fly past the target. This is one of the dumbest and most unrealistic moments in the game. The helicopter with Mike is buggy. He has various bugs, for example he shoots at Leon, this is his most repeated bug. When a killed zombie transforms, it is not affected by ammo, this is not an honest loss of ammo. Ashley doesn't run after Leon, she stays, I replayed a lot of times because of this bug, especially on more difficult difficulty, and she's very slow, even more than Leon that very slow too. The alt tab thing doesn't work well. But recording is good with nvidia. DLC with Ada is better than the base game. More dynamic, various with RE2 scenes, episodes but without the RE2 maze style, the meticulous game process, it's very good. Unfortunately RE series, it is a meticulous, very stupid inventory, I have already written about the rest. Good interesting ideas, gameplay, tasty puzzles but meticulous, unfair, implausible, in places smart and in many places in a stupid way based on replay with primitive solutions and combat. I especially want to repeat about the very high-quality control, downright narcotic, but at the same time very meticulous and unrealistic. But I should conclude the review by saying that, yes, the developers should have gone a little further so that on high difficulty the game would be realistic, and not stupid and meticulous but such a game is very rare, it is the best RE, I have completed it many times, although it came out recently, and I will play it many more times, a very valuable game, story and action, as well as a gaming achievement. There is a new game+, without which I would not have completed the game so many times, the routine of shopping and crafting gets boring. You can have fun with the endless rocket launcher and thereby renew interest. The game has a very high quality selection of characters, sound, physics, atmosphere, everything is very high quality and harmonious. What you see on the poster awaits you in the game.