Cheats & Guides

Virtua Tennis Cheats For Dreamcast

  1. Serve the Ball Underhanded

    In a normal game, when you are at the bottom half, simultaneously press: Down, A and X. When serving from the top half, press: Up, A and X. When you press the three buttons at the exact same time it will work.

    Contributed by: MATT_GRAM 

  2. Dev Team Note

    If you go digging into the game's files, you'll find a dev note at 0x117E4C in 1ST_READ.BIN. It contains the game's build date and time.

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

  3. Play Against Master and King

    On the normal difficulty setting successfully complete the arcade mode with no continues and without losing a round. If you do then you can play against Master in singles and Master and King in doubles.

    Contributed by: garman90 

  4. Unlockables

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Complete Cannon Training level with 15 seconds left Camoflage Costume (24)
    Complete Return Ace training on Level 3 with 2 balls Chinese Costume (21)
    Complete Big Ball training with 10 seconds left Fire Suit Costume (28)
    Complete Drum Shooter training with 10 seconds left Giraffe Costume (26)
    Complete all 22 trial/24 training levels in World Circuit to be challenged by King; beat him to unlock Play as King
    Beat Master in Singles in Arcade Mode Play as Master
    Beat the Doubles Arcade Mode without continues, then beat King/Master in extra Doubles match Play as Master (alternate method)
    Complete Big Ball training with 10 seconds left Sunflower Costume (22)
    Complete Bulls-Eye training with 7,000 points Tambourine Costume (23)
    Complete Smash Box training with 10 seconds left Zebra Costume (25)

    Contributed by: garman90, JamesjtmWard, Grog 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Full Game Guides FAQ by RKratz 16K
Full Game Guides FAQ by Chemoho158 13K
Full Game Guides FAQ by DreThug 39K
General FAQs FAQ by IMonkey 40K
In-Depth Guides Secret Costumes Guide by Some_Bored_Guy 10K

Virtua Tennis Cheats For PC

  1. Unlock Secret Characters

    Go to Exhibition, then at the character select screen, type the following cheats and press enter to obtain the character of your choice. (Not for PC)

    Effect Effect
    BRA Unlock British Player
    CAN Unlock Canadian Player
    IND Unlock Indian Player
    ITA Unlock Italian Player
    JPN Unlock Japanese Player

    Contributed by: untrustful 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Foreign Language Guides FAQ by Spanettone 34K
Full Game Guides FAQ by RKratz 16K
Full Game Guides FAQ by Chemoho158 13K
Full Game Guides FAQ by DreThug 39K
In-Depth Guides Save Game Hacking Guide by mlindstr 15K

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ by holydiver 14K
In-Depth FAQs World Tour Collectible Guide by MarkDarkness 11K

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ by IMonkey 40K