Cheats & Guides

Killing Time Cheats For PC

  1. Cheat Codes

    Enter the following codes while playing for the desired effect.

    Effect Effect
    scoobysnack 200% Energy
    opensezme All Keys
    bodybags All Tess' Subjects
    whoopdang All Weapons and Ammo
    mad dog Double Barreled Shotgun
    stryder Five of Weapon 7
    iamapoophead God Mode
    idkfa Suicide
    crypto Temporary Speed Boost to Selected Hero

    Contributed by: game fr3ak 

  2. Other Codes

    Enter the following as names for the desierd effect.

    Effect Effect
    john woo Double Pistols

    Contributed by: game fr3ak 

Killing Time Cheats For Macintosh

  1. Codes

    Effect Effect
    All Keys During the game type ''opensezme'' for all the keys.
    200% Health During the game type ''scoobysnack'' for 200% health.
    All Weapons with Ammunition During the game type ''whoopdang'' for all the weapons and ammunition.

    Contributed by: IONO 

  2. Tess Artifacts

    Enter while playing the game

    Effect Effect
    BODYBAGS Obtain all Tess Artifacts

    Contributed by: mrseigen 

  3. Invincibility

    Type in IAMAPOOPHEAD during gameplay and you will become invincible.

    Effect Effect
    Invincibility Type in IAMAPOOPHEAD during gameplay and you will become invincible.

    Contributed by: Cegus Rigflo 

Killing Time Cheats For 3DO

  1. Cheat Menu

    Name yourself: .evorgrah

    You should hear an instrument play, and box will clear.

    Use the Cheat Menu to use the rest of the game's cheats.

    To enter each cheat, you need to type:


    ?? should equal the level select code.

    Any other codes are simply added after the level select codes.

    Example: ..A1 starts you at the A1 Level.

    ..A1X starts you at the A1 Level with the Cheat X.

    Contributed by: !.ACA.! 

  2. Cheat Menu Other Options

    Effect Effect
    A 8x Damage
    C Double Perfect Health
    F Flamethrower
    X Full Health
    9 Gem 1
    4 Gem 10
    0 Gem 2
    1 Gem 3
    3 Gem 4
    8 Gem 5
    2 Gem 6
    7 Gem 7
    6 Gem 8
    5 Gem 9
    R Genocide Bomb
    Y Infinite Ammo
    I Invincibility
    L Invisibility
    B Invulnerability
    H Map Automatically
    E Map Hazards
    N Map Loot
    M Map Secrets
    W Nearly Full Health
    S Shotgun
    T Thompson
    D Two Pistols
    Q X/Y Coordinates

    Contributed by: !.ACA.! 

  3. Cheat Menu Level Select Passwords

    Effect Effect
    W1 Assyrian Experience: Go East
    A4 Attic Intro: Curse of Matinicus
    AT Attic Memories: Short But Sweet
    BL Ballroom: Ghostclock
    A5 Bloodclock Hunting
    U2 Bonus Blast: The Roaring Twenties
    LB Byron's Library: Spines Without Pages
    E1 Circus Mortus
    U3 Cleaning Your Clock
    E2 Columns of Seth
    CY Conway Courtyard: Duck and Cover
    SW Dankmosphere
    A3 Darkling Attic: Atum's Nightfall
    DN Dining Room: Lingering Guests
    WW Egyptian Switches
    W4 Elevator Shoes
    L1 Gangster U: A Hardcover To Look Up
    GH Great Hall: Robert's Welcome
    A1 Hargrove's Storeroom
    S3 Have a Ball
    H1 Hedge Your Bets
    KT Hell's Kitchen: Chef's Night Out
    W5 Hopscotch on the Rocks
    A2 Losing Your Ka
    WC Lydia's Mummy Dearest
    UW Maids in the Shade
    S2 Necropolis
    H3 Old Foundations: Tess's Secret Path
    C1 Outer Patio: Invitation to Death
    K2 Pleased to Meat You
    E3 Pyramid of Pain: Osiris Hunting
    W2 Pyroglyphics
    U4 Room Service 4 Tess
    S1 Sewer Rats
    LG Tess's Lounge
    TR Tess's Room
    EW Tess's Temple
    A6 Time2Die
    H2 Tommygun Garden: Don't Get Clipped
    UH Upper Hall: Flapper's Palace

    Contributed by: !.ACA.!