Cheats & Guides

Cyber Citizen Shockman Zero Cheats For Super Nintendo

  1. Easy Mode

    At the "1 Player / 2 Player" screen, hold L+R and press Start. If done right, the game will be in easy mode and you'll have 9 continues.

    Contributed by: ReyVGM 

  2. 99 Continues

    In 2 Players mode, lose all your energy with one character so you are forced to use a continue. Now, lose all your energy with both characters and when you are prompted to continue the game, press Start on both controllers at the same time. If done right, instead of one character using the last continue, both characters will continue and the counter will read 99.

    Contributed by: ReyVGM 

  3. Flag Editor

    Pause the game, and press Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, X, X, B, B, Y, A, Y, A. There are 2 sets of flags with 8 values each. Use the D-pad to choose the flag, press Y to enable (1) or disable (0) the selected flag, and press Start to exit.

    Effect Effect
    SW2 Flag 6 Allows both players to use their special move (on by default)
    SW1 Flag 8 Allows player 1 to control the movements of the first boss using L, R, Y, B, and Down on the D-pad
    SW2 Flag 5 Allows Player 1 to use the Super Schbibin attack by pressing A
    SW2 Flag 8 Causes the player to freeze in place for a few frames every time they land a hit on an enemy
    SW1 Flag 3 Damage to enemies is cut in half
    SW2 Flag 4 Disables cutscenes
    SW2 Flag 2 Double jumping
    SW1 Flag 1 Enables Stage Select in Debug Menu
    SW1 Flag 2 No Effect
    SW1 Flags 4-7 Unknown
    SW2 Flag 7 Unknown (on by default)
    SW2 Flag 1 Unknown (on by default)
    SW2 Flag 3 Unlimited credits

    Contributed by: lockshaw13 

  4. Debug Menu

    Pause the game, hold B+X, and press R to open the Debug Menu. Move with the D-pad and make your selection by pressing Y. From the Debug Menu you can access the Sound Test. The Next Area and Stage Select options will appear if SW1 Flag 1 was previously enabled in the Flag Editor.

    Effect Effect
    Pause the game, hold B+X, and press R to open the sound test menu Debug Menu

    Contributed by: lockshaw13 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by Bossbert 20K